Start from the beginning

"As you all know I Asked Antheia to join us. Antheia do you have anything that you wanna say to us, as you are now part of the kings?'

"Wait what?! How is she part of us? Why would you let someone like that join us what is wrong with you Adam?" Edward slammed his fist on the table and the noise of his anger echoed through the walls sending goosebumps through my skin.

Adam was not phased in fact he didn't even move. It's as if this is nothing new to him and this is just who Edward is and quite frankly I'm not surprised. What a child. But i do want to know, how am i a 'part of them?'

"Watch who you're talking to Edward." Adams voice was demanding but low. It sounded scary almost.

Rhiannon rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "You can say something it's fine" she said gently to ease me into feeling comfortable sitting there in this room, right in front of Edward. I took a deep breath, "yeah look why am I here? I did not ask or want to be a part of whatever you all are. How dare you threaten to kick me out? I don't care who you are or what you're capable of but you have no right to do or say that!"

Nobody said a word everyone was quiet it's as if I said something shocking. The whole room fell silent, the bustling sounds from within the university were completely faded inside this room. It's as if I entered a whole different world as I walked through the door.

Adam cracked a small smile,

"I'm sorry did I say something funny?" I demanded, trying to sound intimidating and I think I might've failed at that. God did my voice crack?

"You're right" he said. I can see everyone in the room look at him in disbelief as if he's the one who said something shocking this time. "You're right threatening to kick you out is uncalled for but that doesn't mean it's something I can't do. I think we need someone like you, We've never invited anyone to the Kings before, we never needed to. So I apologize, However once you've given an invite I don't think you can decline."

"How is that any better? That sounds like a threat! I can't decline?" I exclaimed. I won't be surprised if I end up having blood pressure from today.

"Okay okay Adam just stop talking"

Everyone turned their attention to Rhiannon who was desperately trying to calm the situation, her arms slightly wavering in surrender.

"Look everybody knows what the kings are but everybody pretends like we don't exist because we want them to. I don't know why Adams being like this and not letting you decline but you can okay? you can decline, right Adam?"  She gritted her teeth looking directly at him.

He was quiet but his gaze was still on me. "There's a lot of perks in being part of the kings. You can get any job you want, you get a lot of benefits. It's like having a government job but not really working a government job." Erika advised, her sweet voice being the only upbeat energy engulfing the table.

"What kind of benefits?" I perked up with interest.

"Well you know how we own some stores or some places, if you ever really want a job there or buy some stuff, they're free because you're one of the kings" Liam broke his silence, his tone was warm and welcoming, instantly sending a surge of comfort towards my way. His ocean blue eyes beaming as it fell on me.

"We don't know how to explain because with or without this we still have these benefits and it's about time we had an outsider... nothings going to change if you are a part of us we just really like you after you punched Edward in the face that's all! you have every right to decline okay?" He encouraged. This was the first time he spoke and by far the most or maybe the friendliest of the men from the two. He seemed sweet and more understanding, mellow even. Why is he even friends with those two? I know he can do so much better.

Now that it's been put this way I don't see why I shouldn't be part of this. Maybe this really is something good. Benefits? Don't mind if I do.

"Fine, but I have a few conditions." I asserted

"Name them" Adam's dark voice responded.

"You do not ask me to do anything unorthodox"

"And You do not come anywhere near me." I finished as a pointed at Edward.

He let out a smug chuckle, "fine by me doll."

"Then it's settled. You're in the Kings now. You meet us when the kings are called upon. That is all that's asked, can you comply?" Adam's voice demanded.

"I can do that."

"Good, dismissed." 

Suddenly Erika gripped my arm "oh my God, Your part of us now oh my God I'm so excited." She squealed as Rhiannon joined us both in a bear hug. "So much to do! so much to take you through!" She exclaimed.

My eyes met the gaze of Liam, his warm blue eyes on me as he brushed his brown locs off his face. He gave me a warm smile before he exited the room. I could feel my cheeks warm when eyes eyes locked.

"Two of you, leave the room" A voice dark as coal appeared from behind us. Both Rhi's and Erika's expression's changed from happiness to a serious one.


"I said leave." was all he said, interrupting Rhiannon. They both helplessly looked at me, Erika releasing her grip from my arm. "We'll see you outside okay?" Erika whispered as they both looked at me with an apologetic look, confusing me further.

"What no- wait i'm comin-".

"No you're staying" Adam's voice erupted once again as i turned around to face him. His face was as if it were sculpted by Aphrodite with love. But his actions, despicable. That part is by Ares because we all know Hades is actually just a soft emo boy.

"I'm sorry? Do i look like your dog? You don't tell me what to do." I chided with annoyance.

I was met with a smirk. He tilted his head to get a better look at me.

"You're part of the Kings now Antheia, which means you do as i say. Not as often like Dictatorship, but when needed. It's one of our rules".

"Funny you left one rule out then huh? Quite the dealbreaker, Adam" I spat. He let out a small chuckle. His eyes burning onto mine.

"I don't expect you to do as i say when i ask, you of all people. It's never been that way either. Not necessarily" He added, He didn't seem as dark as before, more easier to speak to. Maybe even friendly if i dare to imagine. He gave me a small smile, a smile i haven't seen before, a genuine one that set my heart racing.

"And i don't see myself listening to you regardless so don't expect me to."

His gaze still on me, as he inched closer towards me.

"I- " I struggled, caught off-guard at how close he actually was from my face to the point i could feel him breathe.

"Welcome to the Kings, Antheia" His voice trailed off of his sculpted lips, he said my name as if it were honey. Making my knees feel weak when his hand brushed against mine.

I'm starting to think that maybe joining the Kings was not a good idea.

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