Chapter 5

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"Sam," Someone tries to shake me awake. I open my eyes, instantly regretting it because of how bright everything is. Melissa is standing in front of me. She smells of heavy perfume and she has a full face of makeup. "What are you doing?"

"Hm?" I ask in confusion, rubbing my eyes. I notice my head resting on something that's rising and falling. I raise up to get a better look only to find out that Patrick and I slept on the couch together.

"What are you doing?" She asks again.

"I was sleeping, goddamn," I mumble.

"Bitch your breath stinks,"

"Fuck you,"

"Why were you sleeping on Patrick? What happened last night?" She asks.

"We kissed," I say without even thinking.

"Sam," Melissa says in a disappointed tone.

"I can kiss who I want,"

"Well, I'm heading out. Pete already left. If you go anywhere today be careful, the streets are flooded," She says. I nod as she walks out the door. I take a second to observe my surroundings. Melissa looks like she cleaned up while I was sleeping.

"Good morning," A voice mumbles from behind me. I look back, my stomach instantly feels warm and fuzzy. I don't know if it's from the hangover or a crush.

"Morning," I reply. Patrick opens his eyes after rubbing the sleep out of them.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, sitting up beside me.

"I don't know yet," I say. "I just want to go crawl back into bed,"

"Me too," Patrick chuckles. We sit in a comfortable silence for a second.

"Want breakfast?" I ask.

"No, i'm too hungover," He says. I nod in agreement, picking up my phone. I see a few snapchats from some of my friends. I open the app and read the messages.

"Oh my god, you're with Patrick Stump?" One of them reads.

I back out of the messages and look at what I posted on my story. It's a video of Patrick taking a hit from my dirty bowl and choking on the smoke. Shit.

I close out of snapchat and decide against telling Patrick about it. None of my friends would leak the video anyway. I go to Instagram, my notifications blowing up. I check what's up with that and notice that Pete took a picture of the three of us sitting on the couch taking shots. I mean if Pete took pictures of us then I doubt my picture on snapchat will have any significance.

"Hey, my friend Brendon is planning on going to the studio today and I might join him. Do you want to go?" Patrick asks me.

"Brendon Urie?" I ask.

"Yeah!" He says. My insides feel bubbly just thinking of the idea of meeting him. "You know him?"

"No I was just a big fan of him in middle school,"

"And you weren't a fan of us?" Patrick asks, jokingly acting offended.

"I mean I heard of you," I scratch the back of my neck.

"I'm just joking, let's go get cleaned up," Patrick stands up off the couch and walks into the kitchen. I walk into my bedroom and leave the door open since it doesn't close properly. I find my plaid skirt and a plain black long sleeve shirt. I decide that I should shower before I put my clean clothes on my dirty body.

I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on to a boiling temperature. Maybe it'll burn my sins from last night away. I step in the shower and stand under the water for a minute, letting my hungover body melt under the hot stream. I start to remember the details of last night. How Patrick kissed me and how soft and fluffy his hair was. When he lulled me to sleep by humming and drawing on my arm. I feel my face heat up and I involuntarily bang my head against the wall of the shower.

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