Rushing over to Chanyeol's side, Minseok puts an arm around the gangster's shoulders. "Keep your profanities to yourself, Jinah! Never say the w-word. It's not lady-like!"

Junmyeon bursts out laughing. "Where's the lady!"

Minseok gasps. "Treat your cousin like a lady and maybe she'll act like one instead of a messy millionaire, Kim!"

"Don't you dare insult her, you big baby billionaire!"

Shaking, Minseok gets up and throws a stick at Junmyeon. It's quite un-gentleman-y of him. "Shall I insult you, too? Quite the Stock-stealing thief you are, huh?"

Sehun gets there just in time with his baked goods. "Don't worry! There are no nuts in them!"

"The nuts are all out here," Jongin says off to the side. Maybe he should go to sleep early, but he also doesn't want Chanyeol to throw a tantrum when he finds out that the gangster's actually sharing a tent with his runt.

He sighs and takes two for himself.

Everyone takes one except Junmyeon (working on his abs) and Chanyeol (not a big fan of chocolate unless it's the runts chocolate-colored eyes which kind of turn golden in the sun and other stupid fucking shit like that because of science and shit).

It's not that late but he doesn't feel like being the party downer anymore so Chanyeol gets up and puts the s'more stick into the fire. "I'm going to bed."

"Don't tell us you're scared of ghosts, ole friend!" Minseok exclaims as he gaggles. Taehyung swiftly hands him another uncooked marshmallow. "Sit back down."

"I'm tired."

He's not really tired, except for the fact that he's really just fucking tired of not knowing what the hell he should do. For sure, he wants his job back.

Then again, he can get another job somewhere else. It doesn't have to be at Junmyeon's luxury repair shop so it's not like walking away is hard.

But if he can just walk away like that, then why did he even agree to go camping?

To see the runt?

Fucking hell.


Fucking maybe--or whatever.

Chanyeol ignores the others whining about him being scared of ghosts and unzips the tent that Sehun had prepared for both of them. He takes the backpack he brought along and throws it into one of the corners before crawling in.

- - - - - - - - - -

Actually falling asleep wasn't part of the plan. All he wanted to do was lie down for a bit and maybe close his eyes to try and forget that the others were being annoying as hell.

But it doesn't matter because he's woken up by the sound of someone giggling and fumbling with the tent opening.

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol sits up all grumpy and shit. Fucking idiot.

But as soon as the tent bursts open, Baekhyun flops in, head first. Half his body's in the tent and the other half is still outside, waiting to get dragged in.


So many eeeeee's.


"You're in the wrong tent, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun shuts up... but only for a moment.

"You're in the wrong tent!" Baekhyun insists before crawling to his knees. "But I don't mind. Seeing you feels nice. I'll never get tired of seeing your face!"

He's too happy...

Chanyeol glares at him but it's hard to glare when the runts smiling and giggling like... ugh.

"I'll go get Sehun—"

"SHHH!" Pressing a finger to the gangster's lips, Baekhyun shakes his head... and laughs. "You caaaan't! They're confessiiiiiing!"


"They're on... the log." Crawling inside the tent, Baekhyun pushes off his shoes and leaves them outside before zipping up the entrance. "The love log! The snog log! The... Well, you know! The LOG!"

For fucks sake...

Chanyeol rolls his eyes and lies back down on his sleeping bag.

Then there's silence...

"Yeol, I forgot my sleeping back outside the tent."

"Then open the tent and get it...?"

"But I left my bag by the log." Baekhyun looks behind him. "I don't want to disturb their confession time."

Taking in a deep breath, Chanyeol rolls over to the side, giving the latter his entire sleeping bag. Immediately, he's reminded how cold and uncomfortable the plain tent flooring is.

Fuck all the sticks and rocks underneath the tent.

"Stop being so dumb! We can share!" Baekhyun pulls on the giant's shirt and tries to get him to roll back on the sleeping bag. "Are you Baekhyunnie-phobic now?"

"Just take the damn—"

"I said— Are you Baekhyunnie-phobic?" Persistent, Baekhyun scoots closer, sitting down on his knees right in front of the gangster. "Yes or yes, Yeol!"

"I'm not—"

"Theeen... are you Baekhyunnie-philic?"

No answer.

"It means, are you still attracted to me."


Before another moment passes, Sehun unzips the opening and flops inside. "Change of plans— Taemin's here so I'll sleep here, too. Good-night."

- - - - - - -

A/n: still deeply upset I wasn't able to get MCR tickets UGh

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