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The ride home from the courthouse was rather silent, so silent it was deafening and nauseating.

Livy couldn't help but feel like a traitor, especially since Markian agreed to drop her off at the Luthel mansion.

She stared at her ring so hard as though at any moment it might disappear, or she would wake up from another one of her love-dreams.

'So, is this how it feels like to be married? But why isn't he saying anything? He looked so furious at the courthouse, but he didn't say a word to me then either. And now, he is still so quiet. Why can't I read any emotion on his face? It would be better if he shows he's angry, so I can at least prepare for the worse. Why is his facial expression so vacant?' Livy questioned, driving herself slowly insane as the silence in the car grew even more.

Her unanswered questions about her husband's unreadable mood were clouding her already throbbing head.

Markian still looked dashing in his one piece twilight fog suit.

He just sat there in the car motionless, looking out the window of the limo and staring into space as the car moved.

His arm is placed on the armrest of the car door making his gold wedding band visible.

His thick brows were not frowned, neither was his forehead wrinkled. He was perfectly relaxed and looked more handsome and hot every passing second.

'What is wrong with me? If he catches me staring at him, he might finally flip and create a scene. But, how can one person look so handsome, drop-dead gorgeous, sexy, hot and ruthless at the same time? I could kill to know what's going on in his mind, and why he's so quiet?' Livy continued her self torture as she tried her hardest to read her husband's mind all while getting distracted by his gorgeousness.

"You don't have to drive me home, you can stop anywhere around here. I'll call my driver to come pick me up," she suddenly spoke, and immediately regretted saying anything.

He didn't act as though someone just spoke, let alone react as though he heard what she just said.

He totally ignored her making her feel more invisible than she already was.

She wanted to repeat herself, but she had no more courage left in her.

OK, at least now she knows she is getting the silent treatment from him, which means that he must be very angry at her.

'Great! just great' she thought.

How would she ever get to know anything about her sister's death if her husband is giving her the silent treatment?

"I have to make sure you arrived at the Luthel mansion safe and sound" Markian replied.

'Did he just reply or am I imagining things? I don't understand...does that mean he heard me? Does this mean he is not upset with me? Why talk to me after everything I did? If he'd decided to give me the silent treatment, that would have been understandable. But him being all cool about all this is making me nervous and more confused, its unbearable. What is going on in that mind of yours, Markian!'
Livy wanted to ask, while unconsciously staring at him.

But the questions she had were nothing compared to how uneasy she suddenly felt when she realized he was also staring her down loathly, downgrading and downsizing her as his eye moved from her face, down to her neck, to her chest, then to her thighs and back to the void he was previously staring at, that seemed to interest him more than his beautiful bride.

Livy is a gorgeous beautiful young lady.

But unlike her sister, Sophia -who was slender and taller than Livy with a body most runway models would die for- Livy was rather moderately thick in all the right areas and petite.

Married To My Sister's Husband (ORIGINAL)Where stories live. Discover now