Chapter 11 ~ Bruises, Bruises, and more Bruises

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, your right..." I hear my father yawn, "Well, we need to get back to work..." I hear silence for a few moments and then my father walked out of the other doorway and to his office. The soft voiced man followed him. I looked in the kitchen and saw the coast was clear. I walked in and sighed in relief. I quickly walk to my room which was on the other side of the apartment from the office. I walked in and closed the door quietly. I sat down on my bed and fell asleep hoping my dad would not kill me for getting home late and I thought about America and hoped he got home safe.

~Britian's POV! (I know shocking!)~

When I got home around 5, my wife France said America hasn't been home for a while and she was getting worried. I got angry at this, America knew he should be home by 6 for dinner so if hes not back by then, I'm going to beat his ass. I went to my office and went to work on my work that the UN gave me today at a meeting. These meetings were so stupid, and I HATE that EU was there. Hes been my enemy for a few years now, I don't know what happened to our friendship but eh, I never liked him anyways. I worked until my wife came in and said dinner was ready. I got up and walk swiftly to the dining room. I loved my wifes cooking, I don't know where she learned to cook but I wish I could have that talent. I kiss my wifes cheek and sat down at my spot at the table which was the head.

I waited for a few moments as my kids come walking in. I counted seeing that Canada, New Zealand, and Australia were here...but no America.

"Canada?" I knew Canada was America's favorite so I wanted to ask him if he knew where he was.

"Yes father?"

"Do you know where America is?" Canada sat down and looked at me in the eyes. I know he tells the truth. He is a good son, unlike America.

"No sir, I'm sorry. I could text his friends for you and see if they know where he is."

"Its ok Canada, and yes I would like that. If any of them are hanging out with America tell them he needs to come home right away."

"Yes sir." He excused him self and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes Canada came back and told me none of them knew were he was. i just sighed knowing he would come home eventually. We began to eat dinner. Canada finished first and excused himself. He got up and walked out of the room. Soon after his siblings excused themselves and they walked out of the room. I excused myself as well and walked outside to see Canada sitting there, and waiting.

"Canada, what are you doing?" I asked him

"Oh, sorry father. I finished early so I could watch and see if America came home, but he didn't" He frowned and walked back inside. I went back to my work until I finished at around 8. I walked back outside and waited. I know he had to come home at some point and it had to be soon. Then I saw him walk up and the driveway and up the stairs.

"Hello...son." I said annoyed

"H-Hello... f-father." He said with a nervous voice.

~America's POV~

"Finally, your home..." My father said in the same annoyed tone. I wondered how long he had waited there. "where have you been?! You have worried your mother, you should be ashamed of yourself." I hate when he critisized me, it made me feel like I was nothing, just a peice of garbage.

"S-Sorry father. I-I lost track of-" I was interupted by a punch in my stomach. I buckled and fell to the ground. Since I was underweight and wasn't strong enough so I fell to the ground.

"BULLSHIT! YOU ARE JUST MAKING UP EXCUSES!" He kicked me this time and in the shoulder. "NOW GET UP YOU DUMB ASS!" I could barely get up but somehow I managed to get up and face him. I was so weak. I tried to punch him back but he grabbed my fist and twisted my arm. I was so stupid, I knew he was stronger than me. Pain shot up my arm and I screamed out in pain. He let go and punched me in the face, this time in the other eye. I started to cry, not cry sob.

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