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Jimin approached the meeting spot, stopping to see Noah already waiting. "What do you need Noah?" He yelled, his thumb hitting the record button on his phone.

"No hello? How are you? Just-"

"No, i would like to get this done and over with so I can go be with my boyfriend at his practice." Jimin said.

Noah chuckled. "Ah yes, the boyfriend. Jeon Jeongguk," Jimin wasn't surprised he knew who Jeongguk was, not like he wasn't well known. "That's actually what I wanted to talk about today."

Jimin raised his brow. "Why the hell would you want to talk about Jeongguk when he has nothing to do with this whole thing?"

Noah took a step towards Jimin as Jimin stepped back. "Why wouldn't you want to talk about him? He's smart," Step. "Funny," Step. "Caring.." Finally he was close enough in proximity that he could whisper, "Attractive," He whispered. "All of the reasons as to why he doesn't deserve you."

Jimin's blood began to boil. He wasn't about to let this boy bring his self esteem down once more. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jeongguk and I are perfectly fine together," Jimin retorted.

Noah chuckled once more. "That boy is only with you for pity. You're nothing but a sad soul with a sappy backstory like those characters in every fairytale. You're nothing, Jimin. Just admit it."

"I won't because I'm not. If Jeongguk was with me for pity he would've ruined me like you did a long ass time ago. So i suggest you shut your lying ass up before you get yourself in trouble." On the inside Jimin was shaking, scared of what could come out of his mouth. But on the outside,

He was fearless, brave, and confident.

You could tell Noah didn't like the words that came out of Jimin's mouth, he was more surprised than angry. He never knew the shy, closed-off boy he once knew and 'dated' would become this confident  and brave person.

He hated it.

He hated the fact that he couldn't get through to him, couldn't get down to the bone and hurt him deeply on the inside like he used to do years ago. He hated not being able to bring his up insecurities and use them against him like he used to do it.

He had a plan for tonight, and half of it had failed. It was detrimental to his reputation if the final half doesn't pull through.

Jimin stared at the boy for what seemed like forever, wanting to know what the hell he was thinking. He couldn't believe he was standing and talking to the boy that broke him for so many years,

He also couldn't believe he was fighting back with such force. He had expected to be beaten bloody by now.

"Little shit.." Noah finally muttered. "You think defending yourself for this much longer is going to get you anywhere? Huh!? You yelling at me and fighting back isn't going to help you.." Jimin was confused.

What did he-

It was then that Jimin found himself up against the wall, his back cracking as it forcefully hit. "What are-are you doing?"

It was then that Jimin noticed the pair of eyes he seemed to miss as he walked up earlier. "Jeon-"

His mouth was shut, as Noah's lips came into contact with his. His eyes remained opened as he watched Jeongguk's eyes widened, before walking away.

Jimin shoved the boy off of him with all his force, his body hitting the pavement. "Jeongguk wait! No!" He ran as fast as he could, but once he reached the end of the street,

The boy was gone.

He could hear Noah chuckle from behind him. "Looks like your little boyfriend saw everything, well..just the kiss."

Jimin turns around, eyes fiery red. "You fucker!" He yelled. "You did this didn't you? You probably slipped a note in his locker too!" Jimin began to stomp towards the boy who still laid on the ground.

All of a sudden, Noah was the scared one. "Hey hey, take it easy!"

"Take it easy? TAKE IT EASY!? You ruined the only thing in my life that makes me happy just to what..get revenge?! Make yourself the ultimate jackass!? What is your motive to do this to people who haven't done shit to you in fucking years, oh but wait...I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO YOU BESIDES TRUST YOU." Jimin's voice echoed off the school walls and into the open field.

"I'll tell him-"

"You don't talk to him. Don't talk, touch or do anything to him, that boy that just walked away is the love of my life and you just ruined everything. There is nothing you can fix." Jimin's voice quieted down and his eye's began to cloud up. "But you can do me a favor," he turned around to face Taehyung who had been watching the whole thing from the car.

"And get the fuck out of this town."

Noah nodded, standing up and running off to where he parked. Jimin's knees became weak, as he fell down onto the ground. The tears began to fall, his throat hurt from holding them in too long.

The only thing he heard was a car door slam and running towards him before he was enveloped into the arms of Taehyung.

It was in the field of his school where he cried and cried, for hours.

All the way until dark, until he didn't have anymore tears to shed.

He lost the love his life that day, and he wasn't sure when he was going to find him again.

Or if he'll ever find him.

Weeks went by and Jimin's state only became worse. He dressed like he just woke up, didn't brush his hair and he stopped going to practice. He felt like he lost everything.

As those weeks went on there was no sign of Jeongguk. He wasn't at school, the pool. Jimin asked around but they told him he just packed his things and left.

Just like that.

Jimin was surprised. This wasn't something Jeongguk would do, but he doesn't blame him for leaving. If Jimin could,

He would leave too.


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