Chapter 10

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The following days after the party were nothing special, as usual. Jimin had a swim meet today that he was stressed about. This was his first meet ever since the black eye incident and to say he was stressed or nervous about it was an understatement.

"You'll do just fine, I promise you." Taehyung attempted to reassure Jimin while at lunch. Unfortunately it wasn't working as well as he hoped.

"I haven't been in the water for a week now and I'm not sure if I can show my true potential." Jimin picked at his food.

Taehyung reached over and placed his hand over Jimin's, "I'm sure you're going to do okay. Just remember, this is one of the first meets of the season. You have plenty more to jump off of."

Jimin nodded his head, finally taking a bite of his food and eating. It wasn't just the fact that he hasn't been in the water for over a week, it was the fact that as a junior in high school, he has the oppertunity to be scouted. If he gets scouted, he can swim all throughout college.

It was a dream of his to be scouted and swim for one of the top college's in Seoul and to not be scouted, would break him mentally.

As the two boys were eating their lunch, a few unexpected visitors decide to sit down at their table. "Hey," Jeongguk said as he set his food down next to Taehyung, two other boys setting their trays down. One going next to Jeongguk and the other next to Jimin.

Taehyung waved while Jimin sat quietly, not sure what he's supposed to say or in this type of situation. Thankfully Jeongguk took action. "This is Namjoon and Jin," Jeongguk said as he gestured to the two. "Namjoon, Jin, this is Taehyung and the boy next to him is Jimin." Jeongguk smiled.

Jimin waved shyly, the thought of his meet later today completely leaving his mind.

It was something about Jeongguk that helped Jimin feel calm. It was like whenever Jeongguk was around he felt at peace, he felt calm and he was the only thing that invaded his mind. It was weird, but not weird enough for Jimin to stop.

The bell rings and the group of boys stand from their spots and throw their food away before they all separate and leave for their designated class. Fortunately or unfortunately for Jimin, he had to skip his current class to leave for his meet.

He walked outside with his swim bag on his shoulder and a bag of snacks for later, clutched in his hand. He stuffs his things into the bottom of the bus before loading onto it and sitting himself amongst his many teammates.

He had a large group of swim friends he hung around during practice or meets, while he had friends like Taehyung he would hang out with inside and outside of school.

Jimin had sat down in the back by his friend, Ryan. Ryan and Jimin met in Jimin's freshman year and Ryan's sophomore year, meaning this was Ryan's last year in swimming and in high school.

Jimin was a bit upset since the two boys shared a mutual friendship. It was always the same, comparing their best times and having a competition to see who can beat who.

Ryan always won but Jimin blamed Ryan for cheating. Like I said, always the same.

"Is your grandma coming tonight?" Ryan asked Jimin who shook his head. "No? Why?"

"She only comes to the home meets since it's in walking distance. Sure she can have someone drive her or something like that but she claims its better for her to stay home. It's for the best." Jimin shrugged at the end of his sentence, not really giving too much thought of why his grandma never came to his away meets.

"What about Taehyung?"

"Taehyung better be there or I'm gonna kick his ass into tomorrow." Jimin mumbled causing Ryan to laugh.

The two boys bickered back and forth for the rest of the ride, wanting to maintain a good attitude for the meet later that day.

When they arrive at they arrive at the large pool, Jimin couldn't help but feel determined and excited. The nerves from earlier dissipating as soon as he saw the water. He felt ready.

The team gathered around for a small meeting before stripping of their clothes and into their jammers/speedos. Jimin tossed his clothes onto the bench before strapping his goggles to his forehead.

Jimin searched around the seating area for Taehyung, smiling once he saw the waving boy. He waved back before he turned his attention back towards the water where he would soon start the race.

"Huddle up boys," Their coach called, a large group of boys migrating towards the coach. "We're starting with the five hundred, two hundred then the one hundred. After that we'll go into the shorter races then relays. Got it?" The team nodded their heads, breaking up and going into their designated lanes.

Jimin swam the five hundred. It was his race. It was the race he swam when they needed a win, when they needed extra points, or when he just wanted to drop time. Today is all about the time drop.

The team they were up against was everything but competitive. Unlike Jimin's team, his team was competitive, determined and quick.

A few seconds before the race began Jimin decided to look back up at the seating area where Taehyung sat. When he looked up, he couldn't help but gasp at the person sitting next to him.

Jeon Jeongguk.



Hi ! Sorry for the late update I've wanted to update for a long ass time but ive been working on this chapter for a few days haha but here it is!

Thanks for reading!

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