"That's not a bad plan, but you need a better one." I heard Aizawa's voice say. I turned my head to the other side of me and seen him running next to us. I jumped and spun going to slam the heel of my foot on his head, he blocked it grabbing my ankle. I quickly swung around and went to throw my fist which he grabbed too, so I did the best thing I could think of, it was to head butt him. He couldn't block it so I was able to head butt him. Which caused his Quirk to deactivate, I quickly summoned vines and they instantly attacked him, but they didn't wrap around his eyes quick enough so they died as he activated his quirk. I growled and got away from him quickly. I was able to hide behind All Might, and pulled him behind a building and ran. 

"All Might, do you think you can charge at him? Keep him distracted?" I asked quietly as we ran. 

"I can do that." He said with a thumbs up. 

"Just let me know if it gets to much, you might be wearing out and quickly." I say. We separated after he nodded his head. I was able to get on top of a building with out Aizawa noticing, I found him looking around frantically. He knows the predicament he's in. He can't use is Quirk on All Might with out exposing him. All Might started his charge at Aizawa catching Aizawa's attention making him turn his back on me. So I moved quickly. I pulled myself through the air and put my feet on Aizawa's back and pushed him forward making him fall. I quickly wrapped my vines around him, he turned his head quickly erasing my Quirk again. 

"Alright, enough playing. I'm getting tired of this." Aizawa muttered unwrapping himself from my vines, he used his scarf, he sent it my way. I was able to grab it and pull, making him come towards me. "Oh, so you want a hand to hand combat fight? I can do that." He smiled, like a crazy man. He threw a hard punch at me, hitting me directly on the cheek sending me flying back. I hit a wall, I slid down the wall, and spit blood out of my mouth I quickly stood up. 

"Okay, so you want to play that game then? Two can play at that game." I say before charging at him. In the years of fighting and training that I have done with him, he has one cue to him doing anything pertaining to hand to hand, which is stepping forward. He did what I do when someone is charging at me, grab the collar of their shirt and by the belt, but with my costume, he'll have little control over me, so as I was in the air, I managed to grab his shoulders, as he went to slam me to the ground, I wrapped my legs around his head and brought him down with me. My arms held on of his arms. I lost grip and he was able to land a direct punch to my chest, knocking the breath out of me and loosen my hold. 

"Wow, I almost thought you had me there, hero." He said with a smile. I tried to catch my breath, I rolled on to my hands and knees. I heard him walking forward. "Looks like you'll have to do more training." I heard the sound of him unwinding his scarf. I heard running footsteps and someone slamming into a wall. 

"Come on Kohana." I heard All Might's voice say, he quickly picked me up and ran in the opposite direction of Aizawa. 

"Damn it, I almost had him." I say as we stopped running to catch our breath for a second. "We need to keep moving." I say quickly, I wrapped vines around me, so I know when Aizawa is around and he's using his quirk. We see the exit sign. "There it is!" I say as we started to run faster. When All Might was taken down. "All Might!" I yelled stopping and seeing Aizawa tying up All Might. 

"I'm not done with you just yet." Aizawa said. He's literally turning into the villain here. "Awe, Little Kohana, there's no need to be scared." He said. My heart rate picked up as my vines died. He quickly came at me to hit me. I swiped at his foot, my body moving on it's own, he fell to the ground, he landed roughly on his stomach. I moved on my own, I quickly got on top of him, pushing his head in the ground, my fingers lacing in his hair having a tight grasp in his hair so he won't move his head, my knee dug into his back. He made a cheep shot of throwing his elbow back and hitting me in my stomach. When I was flipped over, I landed on my back, he had my head pushed aside and his knee in my stomach. 

"Kohana!" I could hear All Might struggling, trying to break out of his bonds. I growled. I pushed my lower half up and wrapped my legs around Aizawa's head again, I was able to hold on, he fell back as he clawed at my legs trying to get them to let go. His eyes where closed, I wrapped my vines around him and was able to wrap vines around his eyes. He was immobile. I cuffed his arms and the buzzer went off. I had passed. I let out a breath of air. I whipped my lip, when I pulled back, blood covered my thumb. I looked at Aizawa who sat there watching me. 

"You're such a jerk!" I yelled at him. I pushed him back with my foot. He chuckled at me as did All Might. I untied All Might. I touch the cut on the inside of my cheek that was still spilling blood. I spit out more blood. "My cheeks all messed up now." I whined. I walked out of the arena, leaving my uncle and All Might there. I went to recovery girl and seen Midoriya there with Bakugo still passed out. 

"Kohana." I heard Midoriya's voice say. "How'd you do?" 

"Well, I passed." I say to him. "Aizawa didn't hold back. Messed up my cheek." I go to the trash can and spit out the blood that was pooling in my mouth. 

"Alright, Kohana, take a seat and let me look." I took a seat on Bakugo's bed. She came over and pulled my cheek over to get a better look. 

"You weren't kidding when you said he messed up your cheek." Recovery Girl stated. "It's ripped to shreds from your teeth." She sighed. She placed a kiss on my cheek healing it instantly. "Now go to the bathroom and wash out your mouth." She said handing me some mouth wash. I did as told and washed out my mouth. I sighed looking in the mirror. I almost wasn't able to beat him. He was really acting like a villain. That actually scared me. I know my uncle, he almost didn't seem like my uncle. I sighed. It was all just an act, that's all it was. I reached back and pulled my hair back into a bun on top of my head.I went and changed and went to visit Bakugo. I ran my hand lightly through his hair, he leaned into my touch and actually curled around me almost. I smiled lightly. I looked outside at the sun that was setting, the orange hues in the sky made it look so pretty. I sighed quietly again and just sat there watching the sunset.                                                             

Roses and Flames *Bakugo Katsuki* (Discontinued)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu