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Chapter 31: Dealings

~Third Person Point Of View~

After Marco was arrested for breaking into Eren's Home Eren had taken serious measures for his safety. He invested in Home Security Cameras and a Counter Measure for if anyone broke in. Such as calling the police if said security code isn't entered within a 20 Second Time Frame. Mikasa still remained with Levi at her apartment that the two shared. Furthermore Eren decided to go and see the one person who may have the answers.

Eren woke up, still stretched and lied down on his Bed. Staring at the Rooms  Ceiling contemplating on whether he should tell his Colleagues that Marco was also arrested. But Eren then thought of something else.

"I don't believe it, maybe Jean had gotten everyone in on the act, to turn on me? I mean Marco found out where I lived in about a split second, guess I'm visit him and find out what his deal is" Eren thought.

Eren got up, he got dressed, brushed his hair and left his Apartment, he noticed Mikasa on the way out. He smiled and approached her, grabbing her waist and startling her which resulted in Eren getting a Punch to his nose.

"Aghh" Eren shrieked while grasping his Nose.

Mikasa put her hands on her mouth in shock, didn't realising what she just did.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Mikasa said while she approached him.

"Ye-yep I'm okay....." Eren.

"It's not broken that's a relief hehe" Eren said as he laughed.

"Sorry, it's just that I've been on edge ever since" Mikasa.

She had a worried expression shadowing her face. Eren noticed this, he gripped Mikasa's hands and reassured her once again.

"Listen I've taken extra security measures, hopefully it will stop people from breaking in" Eren.

"But whenever your ready to come back, then don't hesitate to ask me, the Doors always open for you, especially for our future together" Eren.

Mikasa blushed whole she also looked down, she was hiding her blush from Eren.

Eren lifted her head up via her chin, he made her face her.

"I'm always around for you, if anything happens people will have to go through me" Eren said while he laughed at his own joke.

Mikasa felt relieved.

She smiled as well.

Eren then gave her a Kiss on her Forehead. It took Mikasa by surprise but she smiled never the less. At that time Eren had walked off. Mikasa looked at him walking off, thinking to herself as well.

"I don't deserve him, how did I end up being with someone who I hurt his whole life? Thank god that Eren accepted my apology. He is a sweet genuine guy and I'm happy to be his Girlfriend" Mikasa thought.

Eren then left the Apartment Building Site, he got into his Car and drove off to the Local Police Station.


Eren made it to the local PD, he entered it and approached the front Desk.

"Hi, I'm just looking for the Officer who Arrested Jean Kristen from my workplace last week does he happen to be around?" Eren.

"He is around but you can't just waltz in and ask for him, unless you have a scheduled meeting or meet up with him" said Officer.

"Oh, then if that's the case could you tell him to call my number so we can schedule one at least" Eren said.

Eren wrote down his number on a spare sheet of paper that he had on him. He wrote down the Number and gave it to the Police Officer.

"Oh I'll try to give it to him" said Officer.

"Thanks" Eren.

Before Eren was leaving someone called his name.

"Ermm excuse me, you there" Officer called.

Eren looked back.

"Hmm me, is there something wrong?" Eren.

"The said officer you wanted to meet happens to be around now, he is through the hall on the left, turns out he is free for a while" said Officer.

"Oh okay, thanks" Eren.

Eren made his way down the hallway, and went to the Office. He knocked on it before entering.

"Umm sorry to disturb you, but weren't you the one who arrested Jean Christen" Eren said.

"Yes I was, is there something you'd like to know" ????

"Yes is he around, cause I need to settle a few things" Eren said.

"He'll be available tomorrow, what is it you'd like to talk about?" ????

"Well recently my apartment was broken into, not once but twice, it happens to be one of Jean's colleagues and I'd like to know what Jean told them all, either they may have a motive to do his bidding, I want to know if that's the case furthermore he was arrested in the work place" Eren.

"Hmm, that is a very good theory but we'll have to know for sure, tell you what will allow you to see him but we'll also be listening in, understand" ????

"That's okay with me" Eren.

"Is that all you'd like to know" ????

"Yes that's all, thank you for this

"No problem" ????

After that Eren had left, he left the Police Presinct and hopped into his Car, he drove off home.

He wants to know whether all of this was true, Jean may have made everyone turn against him, cause if Marco was a Friend then you'd probably guess that everyone else will probably be in on it.

(AN: Next Chapter will be the Finale, finally putting this story to bed, starting as a Bully Story which ten turned to forgiveness but then a small little problem for Eren moving forward)

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