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Chapter 30: Path That Lies Ahead

~Eren's Point Of View~

The Next Day, at work it was slightly quiet, normally he'd be going in an out of his Office checking up on the others but Jean always done that. Eren no longer had a general assistant who would help him out with huge tasks of work as well as helping him prepare for majority of the Board Room meetings.

"Ha *sigh* never knew this would happen" Eren said to himself.

Eren hadn't told Mikasa yet as he decided to give her more space and a breather.

Eren called in one of his Colleagues, he decided to promote one who he thought had potentional in being a future successor to the company.

The person had come into his Office.

"Well Miss Sasha Braus, do you know why I called you in?" Eren.

"N-no I don't, is it something I did" Eren.

"Oh heavens no, nothing out of the ordinary for you just I believe that you could be a successful candidate to fulfill Jean's Role" Eren.

"Oh my god really?" Sasha.

"Yes" Eren.

Sasha started jumping up and down out of excitement, where's she then realised that she was in a working environment.

"Oh sorry, I just got carried away just now" Sasha.

"Nonsense, feel free to take as much time as you need, cause starting Monday you'll be moved to Jean's Previous Office, so it will be yours" Eren.

"Oh thank you Eren, I mean sir" Sasha.

"It's fine, but one more thing are you willing to work even more and do twice the amount of work than anyone else here?" Eren.

"Yes I am willing to" Sasha.

"Exacrly what I wanted to hear" Eren.

Eren then stood up and faced Sasha, he held out his hand, she responded by hand shaking him.

"I look forward to seeing what you can do with your talents Miss Sasha" Eren.

"Oh Sir you will" Sasha.

Sasha then left his Office and Eren decided to call it a day, since he had nothing to do the entire day he decided to go home. He was feeling tired as it is. Having to write up countless of Statements for the Police as they look to charge Jean for his Crime.

Whilst leaving the Office Eren saw Sasha speaking to her Colleagues, Connie, Marco, Nifa and Porco, Eren was happy seeing the enthusiasm and adrenaline that she has.

Before leaving Eren made an announcement to all of his Colleagues.

"Listen up everyone, now you may be asking where Jean has gone, well I'll tell you all, he has been arrested~" Eren.

Gasps were heard amongst everyone.

"Now I'll cut to the chase, the reason he was arrested it's because he broke into my Home and my partner was sleeping in the Living Room, god knows what his intentions were but I'm telling you all this, please don't end up like him, I beg you all" Eren.

The rest gave determined looks.

"Do I make myself clear" Eren.

Everyone nodded.

"Then good, by the way you all could cut home early if you would like to" Eren.

After saying that Eren left.

He went to the Elevator, entered it and was on his way down. His Car was already waiting outside since it was a Tesla. Being able to come to him without anyone having to drive it.

Eren got it and started driving home whilst also thinking about whether Mikasa would be comfortable enough to come back to his place.

He arrived back at his Apartment but something was unusual. He went inside and made it to the Floor where his Apartment was, he went towards his Front Door to unlock it, but it was already unlocked. He entered it.

Suddenly Eren was tackled to the Floor, the person was wearing a Coat and covered their face up via a Mask. Eren was struggling to get a grip on the guys coat since his hand would always slip off. The guy had his hands around Eren's neck. He was strangling him and kept it while also laughing like a maniac.

The guy suddenly fell to the floor as he was hit by something. Standing beside was Mikasa, she had hit him with a Bat. The same Bat that was used to confront Mikasa when she broke into Eren's home.

Mikasa aided Eren up who was coughing rapidly.

"You okay....?" Mikasa asked worryingly.

"Yeah I'm *cough* okay" Eren.

"Help me apprehend this guy" Eren.

Mikasa nodded and grabbed the guy, the tied him up to the chair while they were also keeping their distance. Eren moved an inch closer. He took off the Mask and Hood of the person.

Eren gasped seeing who it was.

"M-Marco?????" Eren.

"You know him?" Mikasa

"I do, he is one of my Colleagues who works with me" Eren.

Marco soon ragained consciousness. Eren was staring at him with an angry look.

"Did me saying all that stuff earlier today not get through to your head" Eren getting straight to the point.

"I don't give a shit, this was for Jean, you had him arrested and this is payback for him especially" Marco.

"You have some nerve, framing him" Marco.

"Framing him, he clearly broke into my Apartment he was in the Living Room where she was sleeping" Eren said while he pointed towards Mikasa.

"That's a lie" Marco.

"Sorry Marco but it's the truth, and as for you I'm afraid the Police are on their way here, guess another one bites the dust" Eren.

Eren looked towards Mikasa who was standing just by the Door, she decided to stay back.

Later on the Police arrived and arrested Marco and took him away. Mikasa on the other hand was still terrified as this is the second time Eren's apartment was broken into. It made her feel uneasy.

Eren approached her he then grabbed her hands as he comforted her.

"Sorry this had to happen again, but I do think that for both of our sakes that you stay in your Apartment with Levi, he'll be here to protect you, I'm going to take care of old business okay" Eren.

Mikasa nodded.

Eren then hugged her. He reassured her.

He kissed her forehead.

"Need to take care of the past, what lies ahead is something I need to see first" Eren thought.

(AN: Two more chapters left hope you all enjoyed reading it so far)

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