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Chapter 27: Change of Heart

~Third Person Point Of View~

Tuesday Afternoon

Eren was at work, he decided to go in today even though he wasn't needed that much but he still showed up at Work. His colleagues were always anxious when Eren was always around. Especially Jean. Yes Jean works for Eren. He and Marco worked in the same Division Eren did, but Eren was the Head of that Division especially. He did most of the paperwork if he wanted to but he always handed them off to his Colleagues.

Eren was sat in his Office. He was staring blankly at the Door in front of him. He was thinking to himself while he was there. A lot of things kept coming through to his mind. Mainly about his relationship with Mikasa, although he was with her for once, the past still kept on interrupting him. Eren kept on shaking his Head to take away the past trauma. He was sat and was still in deep thought, that was until a Knock was heard on his Office Door.

*Knock Knock*

Eren flinched....

"Urghh, umm come in" Eren.

In came a Red Haired Girl alongside Mikasa. She was smiling as well.

"Umm Boss, she came to see you today" ????

Eren looked at who it was.

"Oh Mikasa, thanks for bringing her here Sasha. You may go now" Eren.

Sasha nodded and left his Office. It was just Mikasa and Eren in the office. Mikasa had a Purple Bag on her Person. She unwrapped it and it was Two Bento Boxes.

"I thought we could have Lunch together" Mikasa.

Eren smiled, knowing that she went through all this trouble to only come in and have lunch with him. He was happy about that.

"Thank You, let's eat" Eren.

They both took one Bento Box each and sat down opposite each other, Mikasa had brought in some Chopsticks and gave Eren a pair. The two were sat and were eating their lunch away. They were also having a nice talk.

"So err what time do you get off Work tonight?" Mikasa asked.

"Well I can go home whenever I want, since I'm not needed here that much, I only come in to check up on how everyone is doing and if we made any progress yet" Eren replied.

"Oh I see, must be pretty chilled for you" Mikasa said.

"Meh, it's 50/50, I am still an employee here so I still have to attend Meetings and talk about any changes" Eren.

"That must be good....I guess" Mikasa.

"Not even.....~" Eren.

*Knock Knock*

Eren choked up slightly before putting his Food down.

"Urgghh, come in" Eren.

In walked Jean, after he entered he stopped in his Tracks after seeing Mikasa. Then he noticed Eren.

"Jean......what is it?" Eren.

"Oh.....I errr c-c-came t-to give you this, our progression charts" Jean said while he blushed, knowing the Girl who was in the Office with them.

"Oh, you guys have done well, I'm impressed" Eren.

"Thank You" Jean.

"Oh by the way Jean this is Mikasa" Eren said.

"Hi" Mikasa said in her quiet voice.

Jean blushed, he shakes hands with Mikasa while also covering his Blush.

"Nice to meet you" Jean.

"You too" Mikasa.

Jean let go of her hands.

"Mikasa, Jean is the best guy I know, when it comes to progression, I promoted him to the number two spot and I believe that he will soon surpass me and take over this Division, he's really good" Eren.

"Of course I'm good you bastard" Jean thought.

"Wow, that's kinda cool" Mikasa.

Jean blushed yet again. He couldn't contain himself as well as the urges he may have.

"Anyway Jean, keep up the good work, I'll see you later" Eren.

Jean froze in his spot. He couldn't take his eyes of Mikasa...

"Hey Jean" Eren said while he tapped his shoulder startling him in the process.

"Oh sorry err my mind was elsewhere" Jean.

"Thanks Sir and err it was a pleasure to meet you too" Jean said while he looked towards Mikasa's direction.

"Yeah you too" Mikasa said back.

Jean left the office and sighed. It was as if he was relieving all his stress and anger towards Eren.

"That bastard, who does he think he is, oh just you wait, when I take over your regime first thing I'll do is get you fired and I'll take your girl too" Jean thought while he laughed.

Back inside the Office, Eren and Mikasa finished their lunches and Mikasa packed everything away. She got up and was ready to leave, that was until Eren grabbed her by her Waist and dragged her in. He placed a Kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks for today, I needed your company" Eren.

"Always......I'm always here for you, i'l see you tonight" Mikasa said while she winked and left the office.

Eren blushed. He truly was lucky.

Mikasa left the office, she was heading out from the building and was heading over to her Car, she borrowed her Friends one. But Jean was lurking around. Before he left the office he snuck and took something out of her Bag and pretened to make her think she lost something.

"Heyyy" Jean.

Jean came running out.

"Huh" Mikasa.

"You dropped this on the way out" Jean.

Mikasa looked at what it may be, it was her Key Chain, her Plush Toy Key Chain of a certain someone.

"Oh, thank you, I thought I may have lost that" Mikasa.

"Your welcome" Jean.

Jean then stared at Mikasa, completely losing his focus on what else he wanted to say to her.

"Umm hello, anyone in there" Mikasa said while waving her hand in front of him.

"Oh sorry, I just lost focus, anyway I wanted to ask err is Eren your Boyfriend?" Jean.

"Well he hasn't officially said if I was, but in my eyes, yes I am his Boyfriend, why do you even ask?" Mikasa.

"Oh its nothing" Jean.

"I see" Mikasa said, she then got in her Car and started the engine. She pulled out of the Car Park and Drove away.

Jean looking forward was only deep in thought.

"She deserves to be with a real guy, not that asshole in this Office, I need to think of a plan to get her to break up with him and to come with me" Jean thought.

He turned around and walked away, back into the Building.

Meanwhile, Levi was still at Home, he was going through his old Family Photo Album, his Mother Died when he was younger and the only relative he had was his murderous Uncle named Kenny.

(AN: Hey guys as a special treat, here is Chapter 27, I will be expanding on this story and add the rest of the Characters but with a Twist, Jean will want a piece)

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