Smiling, I jog slowly to the front of the house. Ringing the door bell, I take a step back and look around. I see an old beat up pickup truck sitting next to a vintage bike. It looked like someone spent a lot of time fixing it up. Hearing the door open, I turn around and freeze. Standing before me is an older version of my mate.

            She stares at me and I blush a little. I smile at her and she returns it. “Hello ma’am. I was wondering if I could talk to your daughter. Is she home?”
            “Oh! You’re a friend of Tyler’s. Come on in.” She opens the door for me and I quickly step into the hall.  “Well, to tell you the truth, I’m trying to become friends with her, but she kind of left before I could talk to her properly. I just wanted to make sure she got home safely.” She heard a door slam shut upstairs. Leading me to the den, she pivots around. “I’ll be right back. You just wait here.” Then she’s gone.

            Looking around, I spot pictures on the mantle. Stepping closer, I look at them. In most of them, Tyler was with a guy that looked a little like her. They shared the same hair and eyes, but that’s it. The pictures, I could tell, were from different stages in her life, but I didn’t see any recent ones.

            Hearing a noise behind me I turn around, and got the shock of my lifetime. Standing in the door way was a man that looked exactly like the alpha. Then I noticed that instead of a suit, this guy was wearing a western shirt and jeans. I don’t Ralph would ever be caught in something like that. “Who are you?”

            “I’m Dustin Wyatt, sir.” I say extending my hand. He shakes it slowly eyeing me. “Parker O’Shea.”

            “Any relations to Alpha O’Shea?”

            “I’m his older brother.”

            “I didn’t know he had a brother.” Parker laughs at that. “I’m only older by two minutes.”

            “Then why aren’t you the alpha?” I asked confused. Alpha’s usually hand the title down to their first born child. He smiles at me. “My dad wanted me to take over the pack. But when I met my mate, she was from a smaller pack to the east. I didn’t want her to have to leave behind her family, so I passed the title to Ralph and moved in the Sarah. Her dad was the alpha, and her uncle was the beta. But the beta had been killed during a rouge attack. Her dad granted me that position. And I did my best to please him.

            “We stayed there for almost twenty years. We decided to move back here last year.” I nod. Suddenly Mrs. O’Shea comes down the stairs. “You can go up and see if you’d like. She knows you’re here.” I thank her and shake Mr. O’Shea’s hand again. “Nice to meet you sir.”

            “You too young man.” I smile at them then take the stairs by two. Following her scent, I easily find her room. I knock once on her door and then slowly open it. She’s sitting on her bed with her headphones on, but I didn’t hear any music. I wait until she looks up at me. I smile and ask her if I could sit on her bed. Tyler just nods. Slowly I lower myself on her bed.

            I watch as she edges back just a little, but she stayed within an arm’s reach of me. I look at her, memorizing her face. “You’re not what I expected.” I whisper. I wasn’t even aware I said it out loud until she stiffened.  Oh crap.

Tyler’s POV

            I can’t believe it. Our own mate is rejecting us.

            Calm down. You don’t know that for sure.

            Yes I do. He just said that we weren’t what he expected. You heard him.  Lilly sighs and cuts our link. I stiffened when he said that I wasn’t what he expected. I felt a bolt of pain course through my heart. When I saw him in the clearing, I didn’t think that he’d follow me home when I ran. And I sure didn’t think he’d follow me home and reject me.

            Lowering my eyes to my hands, I whisper, “You’re rejecting me?” I hate how weak and pitiful I sound. Sam’s words came back to me. But he didn’t say anything about what I should do if my mated rejected me. Wait, he said to tell mom and dad to name the baby after him. Mom’s not pregnant, is she?

            I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that when this guy, my mate, picked me up and pulled me into his lap, I let out a squeal. I blush and hide my face with my hair. I could feel him nuzzling my shoulder taking deep breaths as if he was trying to calm his wolf down.

            “Never.” He growls at me softly. “I would never reject you in a million years.” His voice was thick with emotions. “You’re my mate Tyler. What gave you the idea that I would reject you?” I suddenly became very interested in the pattern on my quilt. He gently pulls my face up so I’m looking him in the eyes. I could feel the sparks fly across my skin where his hand was touching me.

            “What gave you that idea Tyler?” He asks me again. I close my eyes and whisper, “You did, just now.” Pain clouds his eyes causing them to darken. I want to look away, but Lilly won’t let me. My mate slowly leans in closer to me and I just sit there acting like a deer caught in the headlights. Before I could even blink, I felt his lips crash onto mine.

            Feelings of safety and joy flood me. I feel his tongue brush against my lips asking for entry. But I deny him. Suddenly I feel his hand sliding slowly up my leg. I gasp and he takes advantage and slips his tongue into my mouth. He starts to explore every inch, taking his sweet time. His hand starts to slide up again, but I reach down and grab it, then I threw his off me.

            He pulls away slowly and groans. Both of us are breathing hard. He places a kiss on my cheek and stands up. “I have to leave. Alpha O’Shea needs to see me. But I’ll see you just as soon as I can babe.” He laughs when I blush. He turns to leave and I grab his arm. He looks down at me, his eyes filled with love. “What’s your name?” I whisper so softly that I almost thought he didn’t hear me. “I’m Dustin. Dustin Wyatt.” Then he walks out of my room.

            I just sit on my bed stunned. Pulling the wolf figurine that Sam had given me somehow, I hold it close to my chest as I lay back and close my eyes. Within seconds I’m asleep and I dream of Sam and Dustin. 

A Beta's Second LoveWhere stories live. Discover now