Chapter 3:A Day with Tohka!

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Tohka: Woah! What is this Izuku? Is this a date you're talking about?! TELL MEEEEE!!

Outside of the bakery was Tohka who is looking at the Kinako Breads while Izuku is in the shop, buying two breads.

Izuku: Two Kinako bread please!

Shopkeeper: Here you go sir!

Izuku: Thank you!

Shopkeeper: Please come again!

Midoriya exits the bakery and saw Tohka staring at the breads that he's holding.

Izuku: Hey,Tohka.

Tohka: H-huh?

Izuku: Here.

He handed her a Kinako Bread as she smelled it and drooled.

Tohka: What is this?! Is this a date?

Izuku: No it's a bread so...

Izuku: No it's a bread so

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Eat this!

Tohka:.......Pffft! Hahahahaha!!

When Izuku made an all might face,she laughs as Izuku laughs as well and scratches his head sheepishly.

R: Way to go Izuku! All might is so proud of you!

Izuku: Yeah, I can feel it...

Izuku: It's called food Tohka so try to take a bite and eat it...

She did what he said as she BITES ZA BREA- erm...I mean bites the bread...

Tohka: *gasps* WHAT IS THIS?!! IT'S SO GOOD!

Tohka: *gasps* WHAT IS THIS?!! IT'S SO GOOD!

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