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Hello again! So as you can see, this is the second chapter of my story. I wanted to let you know, that the chapters will be a little bit shorter.
And again: I'm really really sorry if  I am writing some stuff wrong. I'm from Germany. You write some stuff really different. That's why I write things wrong. Sorry again :( but now! Let's get started :)
Bored again

The conversation was good. Well after they began to talk about stories.

"You have 5 minutes left", a scientist said trough a speaker.

"Does this mean we will not being able to see each other again?", the mask asked.

No answer.
No reaction.

"I think so, but I promise ... that will not be the last time we meet," the doctor replied in a quiet voice. Hoping that the other Scp will feel better again.

The feeling was really weird to scp-035.

"..If you say so.., doctor..", the mask said, feeling sad a little bit.
He tried not to show his emotions.
Well. He never felt this before..

Feeling helpless and knowing how alone he would be again.
It really made his world fall apart a little.

As dramatic it sounds like.., he had no friend in here. In this dark prison, full of monsters and other creatures.

It really made him feel hopeless.
Even if the doctor tried to make the mask feel better again.
It didn't change the situation.

The mask always told himself, that whatever will come, he wouldn't give up. And when he didn't liked something .. he would change it..

He did not like seeing people at the end of their nerves at all. He did not feel sorry for others .. that would be the last thing he would do. No, he just did not want to end up like that. But his "fear" only to be alone.. was apparently.

The door smashed open again. This time, it was loader. Maybe because the mask was in fear.. in fear of  being alone again.

But he couldn't change that of course.
Again, many guards rushed in, pointing their guns at them. They once again put collars around their necks and pushed them out the door.
Both scp's crossed their ways to the chambers. The doctor seemed quiet and calm like he always was.
Like he had a plan..
It was already about 9 a.m.

The mask was devastated.

He couldn't hold it any longer.
He was alone. again.
He began to think.. that he would be left alone here forever..

Later on a scientist tried to talk with him.. but nothing happened.

Usually the mask never cried.

And he wouldn't.

But now.. he wouldn't even move a little..

He definitely caught up in a black hole.
He wasn't able to be positive. Like someone just took it away from him.

He felt soft warm tears in his eyes.
He stared at the ground.
One tear rolled down his cheek.
He quickly wiped his tears away after he noticed that someone entered the chamber.
Sooo! This is the end of the second chapter for now. I really hope I got better in writing. But everything takes its time :)
The third chapter will come really soon.

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