"Who!? Who did it!?" Himiko demanded.

"Step aside, half-pint! I'll handle this!" Miu shouted. "I dunno about Chabashira, but I'm pretty fuckin' sure Shinguji murdered Yonaga!"

"What...? Why?"

"Don't play dumb with me, creep show! I already know what happened! The culprit used a katana to kill Yonaga, and it was found in Shinguji's research lab! Which makes you, Shinguji, automatically suspicious!"

"But anyone could have taken my katana, you see."

"So that rusty katana was the murder weapon..." Kokichi interjected. "You were the only one who cared about the thing, Shinguji-chan!"

"I did not care about some katana."

"Just admit it, ya shit-eating worm!" Miu growled. "You went into the classroom, broke in-"

"No, that's wrong!" Shuichi yelled. "Shinguji-kun would not have been able to enter Yonaga-san's lab. Isn't that right, Shirogane-san?"

"Yeah, before Yonaga-san locked herself up in her research lab... She said she wasn't going to open up for anyone but student council members." Tsumugi said.

"And Shinguji-kun is not a student council member. She would not have opened the door for him." Kiibo added.

"Shinguji-chan couldn't have killed Yonaga-chan even if he wanted to!" Shuichi exclaimed.

"I had no desire to kill her in the first place." Korekiyo sighed.

"So, whoever killed Yonaga musta been one of the student council members, yeah?" Kaito said.

"The remaining student council members are Gokuhara-kun, Kiibo-kun, Shirogane-san and Yumeno-san," Korekiyo stated.

"Well, it can't be Yumeno-chan. She was besties with Yonaga-chan. I trust their friendship! You guys do too, riiiiight!?" Kokichgi grinned.

Gonta smiled. "Yeah! Of course!"

"...Can we trust their friendship so readily?" Kiibo asked uncertainly.

"Obviously! Let's believe in them!"

"That trims our list of suspects down to three- Gokuhara-kun, Kiibo-kun and Shirogane-san," Korekiyo announced,

"Yep, yep! The culprit is one of those three people!"

"You mean one of those *two* people! Cuz a robot ain't people, jackass." Miu added,

"I will let that remark slide... Anyways, aren't these accusations just a tad too hasty?" Kiibo mumbled.

"Whatevs! The culprit should confess already!" Kokichi demanded, "Gokuhara-chan, Kiiboy or Shirogane-chan! Well!?"

"N-No! Not me! I would never kill Yonaga-san!" Gonta cried.

"Yeah! Gokuhara-kun's a gentleman! You shouldn't suspect either of us!"

"Hey! Stick up for me too!"


"No, it wasn't just student council members that could have opened that lab door!" Shuichi called out over everyone,

Kokichi tilted his head, "Hmmm? What was it you said earlier about Shinguji-chan opening the door, Saihara-chan? Unless you're a student council member, you cant enter Yonaga-chan's lab, riiiiight?"

"I was referring to Shinguji-kun. He couldn't have done it... but you could have. You know how to pick locks. I saw you do it to open Yonaga-san's lab."

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