[4] Trial

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Art by stormy_aozora71 <3

Monokuma cleared his throat. "Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial, you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit.' Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! Now then, let's get the crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!"

Kaede was the first to speak. "So, it's starting, huh?"

"Ah-haha, oh man, I haven't been in a trial in, like, forever!" Kokichi commented.

"Oh, so you have experience with trials...?" Tsumugi responded.

"Yeah, since I'm a leader of evil and stuff. I've done looooots of bad things."

"So, what are we supposed to do? Where do we even start?" Kaito interrupted.

"I've never done a class trial before... I'm not too sure where to begin..." Gonta trailed off.

"First, breathe in! And breathe out!" Tenko chirped. "We need to remember our 'No, No, No's'! No pushing, no running, no talking!"

"But communication is the foundation of any discussion!" Kiibo exclaimed.

"We should not worry about procedure. Especially since this is not a normal trial." Kirumi spoke calmly. "Each of us will be serving as a potential culprit, lawyer, prosecutor, and jury member. Let us proceed with that in mind, shall we?"

"Then might I offer the first topic?" Korekiyo offered.

"Don't fuckin' get ahead of us! Ya tryin' to start some shit!?" Miu barked.

"C-Calm down..." Kaede said nervously. "How about we listen first?"

"God has spoken... He says it is vital that we hear everyone's testimonies." Angie said.

"I'm a good listener cuz my ears are clean. Once, I cleaned them so hard, they bled." Himiko commented.

"I'll begin the conversation, then." Korekiyo sighed. "There's something... I found curious- Why, I wonder, didn't the culprit take advantage of the First Blood Perk?"

"I thought that was strange too!" Tsumugi piped up.

"I bet they just wanted to do a class trial real bad." Ryoma stated.

"Then Monokuma's the culprit! Duh-doy! Cuz this whole class trial was his idea! Hoo-yeah! Easy peasy! I'm a fuckin genius!" Miu laughed.

"Wait, is it even possible for Monokuma to be the culprit?" Kaito questioned.

Monokuma put his paws to cover his mouth, "Of course not. I would *never* do anything directly to you guys."

"Even if *you* can't, it's a different story for the person controlling you, right?" Kaede interjected quickly. "Is it possible that the mastermind controlling Monokuma killed Amami-kun?"

Monokuma played dumb. "Mastermind? Wuzzat?"

"I-I dunno any mastermind..." Monotaro nervously backed his father up.

"N-Never heard of em..." Monophaine followed.

"Don't play dumb with me! Who's the mastermind controlling you!?" Kaede's voice rang throughout the trial room.

Ryoma covered his eyes with his hat. "The mastermind, huh? Odds are it's one of us."

"It's Kiiboy over here! Everyone else thinks so too!" Kokichi shouted.

Torment and Lies (New Danganronpa V3 x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon