03 | ℑ𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔢

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03 | ℑ𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔢 -

It was awfully quiet today, not a teen in sight bickering about the other or goofing off around the house bothered Gina to an extent.

From the beginning her children were  always her biggest distraction, her main priority 一keeping her on her toes when she least expected it.

Now that the girls were off to school, Her loneliness was her biggest enemy. With the house being empty, the still quietness would seem peaceful to an outsider looking in. But to her it took a toll on her more than she had thought.

Thoughtfully, she thought it'd be nice to go back to her old job. Since the kids were finally in school and most importantly could take care of themselves. It would keep her mind off things and earn some money in her pockets

Consulting with the girls, she had made a decision to call her old boss in hopes to get her flowering job back. She would go back to being a nurse but figured it'd be too much and too soon. Time with her kids was still important.

Gina had walked towards the door slipping on her shoes carefully with her hand on the wall keeping her balanced. She looks up happily in time to see her daughters walk in with inviting laughter and smiling faces as they come and place their things at the door.

Rosalie was about to go upstairs when she spotted her mom dressed in her purple coat and non-slip shoes, coily curls in a bun, and face rid of makeup. "Mom, are you heading to work?" She takes her thin jacket off and places it on the coat rack before approaching her with a soft, loving hug. Her question perks the others to look at their mom.

"Yeah, they need an extra hand. It's getting crowded with customers at the moment." She goes over to do the same to Liberty and Penelope.

Penelope checks her watch, it was ticking past 3:30, "They couldn't get someone else to come in?" Penny scrunches her face, feeling her mother's lips press against her head sweetly as she grumbles, "It's movie night!"

"I know, I know." Sighed Gina, "But I'm the best at what i do which is why she asked me to come help. And it'll probably be only for an hour." All three of them gave each other looks and sigh in defeat. "Now, Cherish is upstairs studying for her upcoming exam. Please, please, please do not disturb her. Your father is still at work, food will be ready in an hour. In case I stay out a little later, Penny you're on dish duty, Liberty trash needs to be taken out and Rosa make sure everything is nice and tidy and be in bed by midnight, okay? I'll be back before you even know it." And with that she grabs her things and leaves out the door.

The house was pretty quiet whilst the girls did some homework before dinner time. Liberty rolls her neck and shoulders feeling pressure pop from beneath her bones, noticing how her muscles had been stiff for a while. She could feel her coily curls tickle around her shoulders and neck as she moved her head around slowly, careful not to make herself dizzy. Inhale, exhale the scent of vanilla from her burning incense on the side and hear the sound of music play lightly in the back sends her vocal cords to hum along, bobbing her head to the beat of the music.

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