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It took you a few minutes to finally open your eyes. Dio let out a soft breath - his fangs poking his bottom lip. He watched quietly as you sat up, looking around his mansion like a lost child.

A lost child he can get secrets out of if he pushed the right buttons.

"Good evening little (Y/N), I certainly hope you had a good nap." Dio cooed, his lips curving into a smirk when you glared at him.

You said nothing, turning and giving your attention to one of the bookshelves in the room. Maybe if this blonde vampire could leave you alone, you could read a book in peace.

His smirk never left him as he rested his cheek on his hand. "Oh? Are you interested in reading? Well go ahead, pick a book out. But there is one condition." At the sound of that one mysterious condition, you glanced at him from over your shoulder with curious eyes.

The fireplace next to him burned brightly, supplying the mansion with warmth and chasing the cold away. "I ask a question and you must answer it. Understand?" He heard a sigh.

"Fine. Ask away then." You replied quietly, stepping on your tip toes to pick out a book that caught your eye.

Dio's smirk grew. "Your eyes glow softly when you fight sometimes and within an instant the enemies are punched back." He states, watching as you flinched.

With a sigh you looked back up at him. "Oh, so you mean like this?" You questioned, your eyes glowing softly once again.

Within an instant he was punched back, pain etched on his face as he flew through the air.

What kind of power is this?

As he crashed into one of the walls, you had yet to move from your spot as your eyes shifted to the book once again. "It's a type of power, you'll understand soon enough anyway." You explained with a sigh.

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