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You been asked many questions since you got back up on your feet. You answered their questions to the best of your ability, while leaving out the part of your stand. You decided that it would be better that way.

Speedwagon moved to look over Mr. Joestar while you looked out the window to see if Dio's body was still there. It was gone, and one of the officers turned towards the others. "The body is gone!"

"Get away from the window!" Speedwagon shouted, just as two fingers stabbed the officer in the back of the head. His glasses fell off and you screamed loudly.

Speedwagon hurried you away from the window, bending down and wiping the tears away from your eyes.


It was quiet, but the sound of him taking  a breath was chilling. Fangs glinted in the soft light and you took shaky deep breaths to calm yourself.

As Dio killed more men, you used your stand to protect yourself and the rest of your small group.

Soon Jonathan pulled his father, Speedwagon and you behind a certain. He whispered for you to be quiet as Dio's footsteps were heard getting closer.

"Hiding with your friends and that little girl Jojo? How utterly embarrassing, she'll only slow you down~" Dio purred and you seethed in silent rage, but you stayed quiet as Jonathan told you to.

As Dio moved the certain that you were hiding behind, Jonathan set him on fire immediately. The blond vampire breathed softly, the flames not enough to hurt him critically.

Even Speedwagon was afraid!

"The flames were not hot enough to hurt him!" Speedwagon exclaimed as Mr. Joestar coughed. You looked up at Jonathan just as he looked down at you.

While he distracted Dio you'll get Speedwagon and Mr. Joestar out of the burning mansion.

Flaming Phantom BloodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang