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You silently thanked the heavens that Jonathan, Speedwagon and a few others rushed to the rescue. 100% grateful, you verbally thanked them all to the point where they all couldn't help but crack smiles.

"Sister!" A boy you suspected to be Poco yelled as he hugged his sister. You smiled softly, wheezing when Speedwagon tackled you into a hug. You hugged back of course, laughing when just like back on your adventure, he spun you around in the air. Not gonna lie you felt like an airplane.

He set you down after a while, raising an eyebrow in confusion when you noticed Zeppeli wasn't here. You'll ask later. The zombie ignored the four of you and focused his attacks on Jonathan, who reached to touch his face in a tentive manner. "What did that...? What does he have under there?" He questioned softly.

Jonathan's right... what is under there? It has to have something to do with his face and you were suddendly feeling determined as you took a step forward.

"Pull off this dude's face Titanium!"

Star Titanium did just as you asked, pulling off the zombie's face with a harsh roar. The stand floated away with disgust when they found out what was underneath.

"What is it Titanium?" You whispered as you stand turned towards you, making a slithering motion with their hand. You shuddered slightly - snakes. Jonathan is dealing with snakes.

The zombie laughed teasingly. "Run! Run! Run!" He says with a grin.

"Bit surprised are ya?"

"By what? The snakes or... the fact that your different from the first zombie we fought? Stupid and is an annoyance." You retored with a scowl.  

The zombie growled at you, turning to attack you first. "How wearisome..." Jonathan mumbles, grabbing the zombies shoulder to stop him in his tracks. "I haven't the time to deal with Dio's foolish games." 

The snakes launched at the calm man in front of them, who merely grabbed them with ease - pulling them so his opponent can get kneed in the chin. "I'll use a bit of the great hamon I possess to turn these snakes onto their master!" Jonathan shouts, his hamon quickly surrounding the snakes in his hand.

They indeed turn on their master and you sighed a breath of relief. Though you were soon placed in a bear hug by Jonathan as he turned you around, spun you and even poked you out of worriness. "Dio didn't hurt you right?" He asked out of concern.

You turned, standing in front of the door that leads to Dio. Your eyes shined brightly, your stand appearing and floating next to you as they themselves readied for the upcoming battle. "I'm fine. Now let's go kick Dio's butt straight to hell yeah?"

"(Y/N), language!"

"Yare yare daze... sorry."

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