Becoming One With Earth-2

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Mia's POV

I listened to the guy tapping the glass and Barry frowned "That's not Morse code. I know he's trying to tell us something. We just have to find the pattern." he said and I sighed "There's no pattern, Barry." "You know, your dad, who I'm pretty sure is one of the smartest people to live on either of our Earths, told me the only person smarter than him was you." Barry said and Jesse smiled "He said that?" "If that's true, we work together... I know we can figure this out." Barry said and Jesse nodded and Barry looked at me "Are you up for it?" he asked and I sighed "Worth a shot?" "Okay." he muttered and the guy started tapping. "Well, he never goes past five." Jesse said and I frowned. "What?" "He never goes past five knocks without pausing. Right? Listen." she told us and the tapped again. "You're right." "I think... I think I know what that is. It's a five-by-five tap code used by POWs." Barry said and I frowned "That would only get us to 25 letters, and there's 26 in the alphabet." "Not if you combine C and K. They sound the same." Barry told me and Jesse nodded "Let's try it out." "Worth a shot." All right." We all agreed and Jesse wrote the alphabet in the sand on the floor.

"Two down, five across." "It's J." Jesse told us and Barry nodded and looked at the guy. "J? That's what you're tapping... the letter J?" Barry asked and he nodded "All right, what's next?" I said and he tapped one and one "A." I muttered and Barry nodded "All right." "Five down... Four across. Y." Jesse said and I frowned "J-A-Y? You're spelling "Jay." As in Jay Garrick?" Barry asked and he kept tapping the glass. "He's... he's alive. But he's on my Earth." Barry told him and he started banging the glass and I looked at Jesse "Hey, hey... Stop, stop... hey... Stop... look, I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. Jay Garrick didn't come with us." "Look, just keep tapping, please. We don't understand. Please." I told him and he just gave up then Zoom came back.
"Don't talk to them again." "We're gonna get out of here. And I'm gonna destroy you." Barry said and Zoom looked to me and then pushed Barry to the cell wall "All I need from you is your speed, Flash. And you only need to be barely alive for me to get it." Zoom growled and started punching Barry and I crawled to the corner of the Cell and brought my knees to my chest, I couldn't bare to watch Zoom beat up Barry "Stop! Stop!" I heard Jesse yell and Barry fell right in front of me and I pulled him into my lap and looked at Zoom just before he left. "Barry... Barry, are you okay?" Jesse asked and Barry hissed in pain and looked at me "Yeah. I'm okay." he said and I helped him up "Zoom just showed me how to get out of this thing." Barry said and I frowned.

Ben's POV

We walked through the forest and I felt someone was following us. "You're sure this is the place?" Barry asked and It got really cold "This is definitely the place." "You lost? Or just back for more fun?" Killer Frost said coming out from behind the trees. "We just came here to talk." "Oh, really? Do you bring your little toys to every conversation you have? Or do you just want to see me burn again?" Killer Frost said and I frowned "Considering you killed my father, the thought has crossed my mind." "Tell us... where does Zoom keep his prisoners?" Harry asked and she smirked "You really don't know how to use your abilities, do you, breacher?" "It's a work in progress, Elsa." Cisco said and he scoffed. "Zoom killed the love of your life. This hurts, even for somebody with a heart as cold as yours." "And you think that would make me turn on Zoom?" She scoffed and Cisco nodded "Enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?... What... don't tell me it doesn't work like that over here." "Why don't you ask Zooms lackey herself." Killer Frost said looking behind us and we all turned around to see Amelia.

"You knew where Zoom was and you never told us?" Cisco questioned her and she sighed. "I'm trying here, If I tell you, he'll kill me and Killer Frost." She said and I rolled my eyes "But if I kill you and take you to him, I bet he'd be pretty pleased with me. Maybe even let me off my leash. So take a wild guess. What do you think I'm gonna choose?" killer frost said and Amelia frowned. "Move!" Harry yelled and we all ducked behind a big log "That did not go as planned!" "Her name starts with Killer. This comes as a shock to you?" Barry yelled and Amelia stood up and threw energy waves at her "Is that all you got!" Amelia asked and Killer Frost threw ice at us again. "We got to move now!" "Yeah, yeah. I will cover you." Harry yelled and I nodded "Okay. No, no, no, hey, that's a horrible idea. Hey, no! Hey, hey, no! Hey, guys..." Barry yelled and I rolled my eyes. Cisco aimed his gun at her "Stop... or you'll never make another icicle again." he said and she frowned.

Silver (Barry Allen's sister)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum