87. Life is traumatize without your shade of love to soothe my desolation

Start from the beginning

- Thirteen hours now, I answer with a small voice, almost in a whisper while stroking Gillian's hair. Katherine approaches my bed before she sits at the bottom of it. The Petrova vampire stares at our child, frowning sadly.

- What has happened exactly? Asks me, Katherine while a small sad sigh.

- A guy named Marcel happened, I respond to the mother of my little girl, using a slight upset tone as I remember the face of that man. I look up at Katherine, seeing her nodding positively as she seems hurt, even though she briefly knows what happened to Gillian.

- What did he do to our baby? Questions, Katherine as she moves, coming sitting closer to Gillian.

- I don't really know, Katherine. All I know is that he stabbed her over and over, compelled her to kill innocent people and made her believe that I don't love her. That is probably half of the horrible things he has done to her, I answer to the mother of my child with a serious and mad tone against the man who tortures my little girl last night. I still can't believe it happened and that I almost didn't see it. I can't forget my baby's face when Marcel was staking her, when she spat blood, when she ripped those bodies by cold blood because he compelled her and her tears... I could tell that she knew what she was doing when she ripped them up. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't, manipulated by the man. Her tears when she bit that little girl...

- How come you don't know? How come you haven't remarked she was missing? Questions, Katherine, to me, sounding mad at me for not having done anything sooner.

- I was at the Prom already, the one she should have attended with Kol, I reply to her, upset at her accusation.

- And? There's a very useful small magic thing to help us communicate that is called cellphone nowadays. Couldn't you call her? Ask her where she was? Did you even remark she wasn't there? tells and asks me, Katherine, frowning madly and like she is clearly blaming me for what happened to our daughter.

- Are you actually blaming me to not have saved Gillian in time? To have let that man make her suffer? Seriously? I ask her severely and madly, lightly raising my voice but not too much to not wake up Gillian in my arms.

- I just don't understand how you could have let that happened to her, replies, Katherine, while shaking her head negatively and looking down at our daughter. She has a frown plastered on her face, clearly mad at me.

- I thought she was safe with Kol at the Boarding House. Then, I saw a girl looking exactly like her at the dance. I thought it was her. But it wasn't her. How could have I known I didn't talk to my Gillian? I explain and question her with disbelief and madness while holding Gillian tighter and tighter. I'm surprised she still hasn't wake up yet from the sound of our voices.

- You're the one saying you know your daughter by heart. Maybe you should have seen and understood that it wasn't her, replies, Katherine, with a mad tone as she frowns at me. I shake my head while quietly groaning. I can't do this with Gillian like this... Less with her between us.

- You know what, I texted you to come because you are her birth mother, because even if I don't like to admit it, she loves you. Our baby girl needs you. Gillian went through hell last night. She almost died right under my eyes, Katherine. Our baby could have lost her life because of a stupid man and all you find to do is blaming me to not have seen this coming? I remind and ask her madly, not speaking too loudly as Gillian is against me.

- Stefan... Calls me, Katherine, looking away.

- Maybe you should come back when she'll be awake. She doesn't need to hear nor know that we are arguing for nothing, I tell her seriously and madly as I stare at her. Katherine looks up at me, looking surprised. I'll text you, I say before looking down at my daughter, running gently my hand in her back. Katherine stays quiet as she looks down at Gillian for few seconds. The Petrova doppelganger sighs before getting up from the bed to step away as she makes sure her heels don't make too much noise. Suddenly, I feel Gillian lightly moving while moaning. What? I look down at her sweet face, seeing it grimacing with fright. Lilou? I call softly my daughter as I bring my hand to her cheek. Gillian keeps moaning and moving as she seems to be having a nightmare. I hear her starting to silently cry in her sleep while trying to hide in my chest. Shh, shh, it's okay, baby. It's okay. It's just a bad dream, babygirl. Shh... I sooth her in a whisper even though she can't hear me. I have my head on hers, my hand stroking her hair while I place kisses here and there on her forehead. Gillian slowly stops moaning and crying as I sense her stopping tensing up against me.

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