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It was a cold, dark and empty place. Eli Clark ran through a dark abyss that had no bounds. His eyes had been taken from him. He clammered through, his hands feeling for anything to grab. He felt his heart beat with anxiety. The cold knicked at his skin. His usually thick garment did nothing to combat the cold that thrived there.

Suddenly his eyes returned to him, but the scene he saw terrified a part of his soul.

There in his vision was a stranger in black. The man looked to be in hysterics. He hugged himself as he laughter filled him. His voice was so familiar, but also twisted. His garments were stained with dark splatters, ripped at every seams. He looked peculiar, haggard and to some degree inhumane.

He only realized who it was when an owl made an appearance that mirrored that of his own. It was him. The most vile and distorted version he could ever be. He couldn't move. He could only stare in disbelief until that man saw him.

The darkened man suddenly went quiet. Eerily quiet. He pointed one hand towards him before smiling, "you're going to do it." his smile turned sinister. The air around him suddenly felt heavier. That man, his hands were...

Hearing his silence the man grin before darkness swallowed him whole. The owl stayed behind, trailling after Eli before settling by his shoulders. The only between his owl and this one was it's eyes. One of them was closed, bleeding what could only be described as black tar.

The owl stared at him with it's own black void. Eli stared back until it flew away. "W-Wait!" Eli called out, his out stretched hand beckoned it back, but it didn't return. The owl only flew in one direction, disappearing into the void as it's predecessor did. There he was lost again.

He felt numb again, deprived of all five senses in the darkest of abyss. Until something tickled by his feet. He peered down to see white flowers sprouting around him. They were warm. They were lovely. They were simple and small.

They reminded him of the person he cared about the most.

The flowers guided him through that dreadful place. They grew and proliferated the more he walked. They became the guiding light to escape the never ending nightmare, but he grew worried. With every step he took, the flowers became more fearful. Some looked downcast, some looked tired, some looked small and some disintegrated. He looked back at the trail he left.

Beautiful and immaculate, but at his front grew nothing. The flowers told him not to go further, that what lies ahead would only make him suffer, but he had to know. There was no where to go anyway.

He continued walking not minding the cries from below, but as he went on the cries went on louder and louder until he felt like his ears would bleed. He tried to move forward until something made him stuck into place.

He looked at his feet and saw briliant red flowers. Don't go any further the red flowers pleaded. Their once white petals were now stained with red. I have to, he thought before pulling away. He yanked the flowers' hold on him.

With this, the flowers became quiet. You'll regret it they said before disappearing completely. 'Perhaps I will' he thought.

The darkness became the forest he was familiar with. He walked in a slow pace. Nothing but the sounds of his footsteps were heard. Until he heard a familiar voice, a quiet message in the wind of a weakening song bird.

Help me.

Eli started to run as fast as he could to reach that voice. Where? Where?! He winced as he felt the roots contort to stop him but he didn't mind the scratches they left. He only ran and ran and ran.

When he reached the opening he was familiar with, his heart stopped.

There in the middle of a darkened field was Aesop Carl, laying in a pool of blood coated flowers. He stumbled his way, his strength leaving him with each stuttering step. His body gave up on him the moment he came face to face with his beloved. "Hy-hyacinth..?" Eli whispered, his eyes watered ever so slightly as he held unto the corpse. "N-no.." he shook his said, bringing the boy to his knees.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin