Dear Readers,

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Dear readers,

You may read this book.

And it might have taken,

I took the time that you got.

Like a seed and a parrot,

You desire for more seeds,

Until your free time is gone,

But I will tell you the holes,

The pain, agony, hatred, love

And void you might have felt.

The past is in the past tense,

So the heart symbolizes:

The happiness and lovers,

Loving is a very good feeling

And now anyone is telling,

The days of inspiration.

As a reader who reads,

Will you choose to continue?

Beyond the description...

Are feelings of the void,

Hearts of love,

Feelings of happiness!

The beauty of humans,

Nature around us.

And you seeing life,

In a different way.

Heart and Holes of voidWhere stories live. Discover now