John smiled into Ratherty’s eyes for her joy was palatable. Her once dark scales glistened and her magnificent tail swished in a circular motion as if it had a life of its own. Ratherty’s mate kept pace beside her in a protective stance; yet he wasn’t crowding in on her space either. Ratherty’s mate was a golden color and his large eyes were cobalt blue. “My God, he is magnificent,” John thought.

“Thank you,” a voice rumbled in his head.

John laughed as he walked forward and touched the male dragon’s muzzle. “What is your name?” John whispered in dragon speak.

“Tasmin,” the dragon echoed back. “John, your mate is tired and needs rest immediately.”

John glanced over to where Sherlock was struggling to remain upright.

A few moments later Clare and Jake joined them and quickly hustled Sherlock off to rest. Once Sherlock was safely tucked in John set out to explore the city. Asmat was a combination of China’s lost city and the city in lost horizons. John marveled at the green spiraled columns that adorned each structure. As John put his hand on a column he tried to figure out what type of material it was. The column was cool at first and then it felt warm-living. John quickly jerked his hand away and continued his exploration of the city. The city was laid out in a square; the center of the city was a vast open space with a well and a gong at the focal point. The largest building appeared to be some sort of school, temple, or training center. All of the other structures were obviously living spaces, for families went about their business much as they did in London. John watched them for a few moments and sighed as a wave of home sickness engulfed him. John jumped when he heard Jake ask,”So, what do you think of the city?”

John took in a fresh breath of mountain air,”Well, it’s not London, but I suppose it will have to do for now.” John said as he once more took in his surroundings.

“Well, you must be as tired as Sherlock. Clare and I will show you two around tomorrow,” Jake said as John tried to stifle a yawn.

“I’m not tired,” John prostested.

“Okay, have it your way tough guy.” Jake laughed.

John was mentally exhausted though and so he asked Jake a nonchalant question. “Okay, where is Sherlock? I had better check on him. So, lead the way,” John said as he gestured for Jake to take the lead. Their living quarters had the same green columns that adorned all of the buildings and the roof was covered with purple tiles that looked like scales. The front door was the same color as the purple roof tiles. John thanked Jake for showing him to him and Sherlock’s residence and then John waved good-bye as he went inside. The residence was smaller than it appeared from the outside. The main room was nearly empty, the floor was dotted with cushions here and there and there were large blue vases in each corner.

John made his way down the narrow hall to where Sherlock lay in a bed that looked like a giant round purple cushion. “How lovely he looks,” John thought as he watched Sherlock’s curled up form in fascination.

As if sensing John’s presence Sherlock sat up in bed and sleepily held out his arms towards John.

John laughed,”Oh, no you don’t, you almost froze to death on me,” John said firmly as he purposely averted his gaze away from Sherlock’s prying eyes.

“I know, John, I think I have frost bite,” Sherlock said fearfully with a tremor in his voice.

John was across the room in one stride, pulling at the massive silk-like comforter that covered Sherlock’s naked body. “Where?” John commanded.

Sherlock sniffed as he reached out and took John’s warm hand in his cold, clammy one. “Here,” Sherlock said as he guided John’s hand between his legs.

John started to get angry and then changed his mind. “Sherlock, let your doctor take a look,” John said as he lifted the blanket and slipped in beside Sherlock. “Sherlock, I have to check you for polyps.” John said as he wriggled his fingers deep inside Sherlock. For a few moments John moved his fingers in and out of Sherlock and then dove under the covers where his tongue took the place of his fingers.

As John took Sherlock fully in his mouth, Sherlock groaned and cried out in ecstasy, “John, God…” Sherlock’s voice trailed off when at the crucial moment John shakily replied as he turned his head to the side and took a deep breath, “Sherlock, it’s okay move deeper inside my mouth,”  John said as he half gasped, half shouted.

Sherlock did as he was told as he leaned back, his glassy eyes appeared midnight blue as he shuttered.

John smiled at Sherlock as he attempted to speak. “Ssh quiet I know what you want,” John whispered as he undid his pants and sprayed his warm, moist fluid over Sherlock’s stomach. John watched Sherlock’s ritual of rubbing the fluid over his stomach, on his chest, only stopping to rub it on the pulse point on his neck. “Sherlock, my kinky detective,” John whispered as he kissed Sherlock deeply.

A few hours later as John lay in Sherlock’s arms John whimpered and then cried out in his sleep,”Sherlock, noooooooooooo…”

Sherlock shook John awake.”John, it’s okay, you’re safe.” Sherlock murmured as he stroked John’s forehead. John’s eyes flew open and they were full of terror. “Ssh,” Sherlock cooed. “What is it?” Sherlock asked softly.

John’s voice was childlike as he answered, “I had a dream that when you jumped from the roof of St. Bart’s you were really dead. You never came back and that even now you are just a ghost-a specter-a figure of my imagination.” John whispered.

Sherlock held John closer. “That is a troubling dream; however it’s alright I will always be with you.” Sherlock whispered as he ran his hands through John’s hair.

John hated the fear and anxiety that ripped at his sanity. No matter what Sherlock said or did John was inconsolable for he was terrified that he would lose Sherlock or perhaps he had already lost him.

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