you get bullied/hurt and they find out

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Draco-Have them killed. Draco wouldn't think twice about hurting them.
"Y/n." Draco called. She didn't respond. She was too busy thinking. "Y/n!" Finally he walked over to her and waved a hand in front of her eyes.
"How many times do I have to call you before you-what in Salazar's name is that?" She furrowed her brows at him, he was starring at her in a deeply concerned way. Y/n realised and snapped her hand over her cheek, right under eye.
Oh Merlin I didn't cover the bruise!
"It's nothing!" She said and ran out of his door, out the room and out the Slytherin common room door to Gryffindor tower, while covering her eye.
"Y/n! Stop running!" Draco yelled. He caught up to her as she stopped at the door. He caught her wrist and pulled it from her cheek.
"Who? Who did this?" He growled.
"Smith." She mumbled.
"I'll kill him!" Draco snapped, he then kissed her forehead and mumbled I love you, over and over. Over the next three weeks Zachariah Smith wasn't at Hogwarts. When he came back his right eye was swollen, his cheek cut, his lips cut, broken arm. He looked like he was in a fight with a Bludger. Draco made it obvious that he was a threat anytime Smith was around me

Seamus-He'd get all fired up. He'd try to fight whoever it was but would fail miserably. Turns out that it was a teacher. Umbridge. During her rein of terror, Seamus and Y/n were going through a rough patch. His mother hated her and he decided to side with her over his love.
"Honestly Seamus! I don't care. If you don't believe me that's fine." Y/n said, pulling her sleeve to cover her hand. "Just stay away from me for a bit." He noticed her pulling her sleeve down, but decided to leave her be.

"Where did you get that scar?" Seamus asked as he saw her scratch her hand while she was doing her homework. She glanced at him and shrugged, her eyes wide as she looked back down. He grabbed her hand and studied it.
"Who gave that to you?" He asked. She didn't tell him, she was embarrassed. But once he found out who was hurting her, he cursed the old toad. With one of the hardest spells to learn. It took Y/n and Hermione a couple weeks during the DA meetings to get it right. He hit it at her first try. It lead to him being punished severely, even got threatened to be expelled. Once Toad Face left the room, Dumbledore gave him a high five and awarded Gryffindor house 70 points.

Oliver- Oliver is a very athletic boy. He's strong and fit and can definitely throw a punch, especially when his most precious thing in the world is being hurt.
"Y/n you haven't eaten lately, are you nervous for tomorrow's game? Because if you are then not eating will make you play worse." Oliver said. She shook her head.
"I'm just not hungry, I ate a lot at lunch." She said, knowing she could lie because Oliver was in detention during half of lunch. He nodded, knowing she was probably lying but didn't want to make a fuss while everyone was there. Ten minutes had passed and Oliver had gotten her to eat a chicken wing and some mash potatoes. She smiled to him after she had just finished, an innocent smile.
"I'm just gonna run to the bathroom." He nodded to her and kissed her hand just before she ran off.
Time had passed and she hadn't come back.
"Oliver she probably went to sleep." Hermione said to him, noticing that he had checked the clock then the door for fifth time. "You know she didn't sleep well last night."
"I'll just go check on her." He nodded and left swiftly. When he arrived at her dorm room, getting access because she shared with Ron and Seamus, he walked in and to the bathroom door. His hand raised to knock gently but he heard soft breathing. Slowly he opened the door and saw her lying next to the toilet vomit trailing for the toilet to her mouth, her body almost limp.
"Y/n!" He shouted. He picked her up and carried her to the bath. Mumbling a spell to turn the water on.
"Why didn't I see this? I'm sorry I let this go on!" Oliver said. She wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, because it wasn't, but she could barley speak. She had only eaten two full meals in the past two weeks, she'd either not eat or vomit what she did.
"Please just tell me why!" Oliver cried quietly, tears prickled in his eyes as he slowly took her clothes off to put her into the bath.
"No-!" She said. "Don't take them off."
"I need to get you into the bath, I can't leave you by yourself." She wanted to fight him off but couldn't. Eventually she was placed in the warm water.
"I love you. More then anything in the whole world. Why?" Oliver said holding her hand and kissing it softly.
"How can you even look at me? I'm disgusting! I'm hideous! Oliver I'm huge, how do you even stand the sight of me?!" She snapped. Oliver's mouth opened in shock. It made no sense to him at all.
"Of course I look at you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, much more then a Vila, you're not disgusting at all, you're my life." Oliver said, cleaning away the vomit from her chin and neck. "You're far from huge, in fact you're the complete opposite. You're tiny, alarmingly so!" Tears that had prickled in her eyes, fell down her cheeks.
"Did someone say something?" Oliver said. "You haven't been eating properly since that day Marcus-...Marcus!" Y/n looked away from him, trying to feel the warmth in the water.
"He-he told me that you were faking it. Th-that he made a bet with you. And the loser had to d-date me." She said. "He said you m-made fun of me. I wa-was too fat." Oliver began to pepper her face with kisses.
"I love you too much for that." He spent the night with her and the next day he beat Marcus up so much he was sent to Dumbledore. Marcus was sent to St Mungo's and Snape took 300 points from Gryffindor.

Fred-He found out that Y/n was being bullied by Cormac. He nearly killed Cormac on the spot, but decided to torture him with "pranks". The second Fred found out that Cormac was harassing his girlfriend, he got over killing him and decided to make him fall in love with Snape first. Anytime Snape walked by Cormac would chase him down the hall for at least thirty minutes.
"Fred you shouldn't do this." Y/n said.
"Y/n you can't keep letting him do that. He can't have his way with you and harass you for sex!" Fred yelled at her. She nodded at him, teary eyes. Eventually she joined along for a laugh. The next prank was making him smell like Hippogriff food. All the animals in Herbology reacted and nipped ya him, one of them biting into his arm so harshly he had to run to the hospital wing.
"You know. If you leave her alone, the torture stops." Fred said to him. He did. And eventually Fred stopped, Cormac had become a blob of fear.

George-He swaddled her. He treated her like a child.
"It was one hit!" She said to him, wincing and biting her hand and Ginny sewed up as cut on her shoulder.
"I've seen Gen doing this many times. Just tell me who's doing this. I can stop them from hurting you." George said, pleadingly.
"I'm fine. I'm okay." She said. She wasn't, but she didn't want stressing over her. But he did anyway. He eventually followed her everywhere, finding out the person that was hurting his girlfriend was Percy. Percy thought he could get away with hurting because she wouldn't snitch on her boyfriend brother. The reason he did it was to "prank" George back. George had pushed him over the edge to the point of insanity. Y/n never said anything and George didn't know, until now. Percy was sent to the hospital where they found out he was under the imperious curse. He's still trying to find out who cursed him. But he did beat Percy up pretty good that he
needed the hospital anyway.

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