when you're jealous

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Harry-6/10. Ginny and Cho. They're both so beautiful! Harry stooped low with you. Why would the Harry Potter want you! The way that he looks at them. It hurts but you couldn't let it show. One day though, you did let it show.
"Y/N. Let's get some butterbeer for the common room when we goto Hogsmede tomorrow." Harry said at the table. You saw Cho walk in.
"Well why don't you go with Cho?" You asked. You gasped right after the words fell out of your mouth.
"What?! Why would I ask her?" He asked.
"No it's nothing don't worry about it." You said quickly. "I'm sorry just forget I said anything."
"You can talk to me." He said.
"Well it's just! You and her work so much better with each other."
"What no we don't!" Harry said.
"Or you and Ginny!" You said. "I'm not good enough for you." Harry chuckled and pulled you into a hug.
"My dear it's the other way around." Harry said. "I love you."

Ron-7/10Hermione. She was beautiful, smart and extremely talented. Why wouldn't Ron love her? So what you have defeated Voldemort, you couldn't compare to her looks. You were sitting in the common room by the fire.
"My my I don't know what's hotter." Ron said. He smirked at his own joke, he kissed the top of your head and whispered to you. "No you're definitely hotter."
"Ron!" Hermione called. "Your homework makes no sense." Ron rolled his eyes.
"Why can't she be as interesting as you?" Ron asked.
"Why can I be as perfect as her?" You mumbled. Ron furrowed his brows.
"You're the most perfect person I know!" Ron said. "And I love you." You smiled and kissed his lips.
"I love you too."

Neville-9/10Ginny. You went to ask Neville out to the Yule ball, but Ginny said that she already did. You boiled with anger and rage! He deserves her. She was so much younger then you yet so much smarter. You decided to go with Dean instead. While you were dancing you bumped into Neville. Dean turned to Ginny.
"Care to dance?" He asked. "If that's okay?" He turned to Neville.
"Of course." Ginny went off with Dean leaving the two of you alone.
"W want to dance?"
"Sure." The two of you started to dance.
"You look beautiful." He mumbled, causing both of you to blush.

Draco-Pansy and Blaise. 10/10
Pansy, well that isn't surprising. Pansy is also with Draco, she gets to see him every morning and every night, like you wish to do. And he and Blaise always seem to be whispering, you just wish that he'd trust you like he does Blaise, but then again they are both guys.
"And then before we sleep we can-" Pansy spoke but was interrupted by Draco.
"Y/N, darling." He smiled warmly. "Don't you look beautiful!"
"Ah Draco." She smiled. "What a handsome man you are, oh hey Parkinson."
"Anyways, as i was saying, before we sleep we can go to the-
"Babe, wanna head out?" Draco asked the girl, she nodded. "Don't worry Pansy, I'll see you tonight.
"Why don't you come over tonight? Stay with me?" She asked.
"I'd love to but I really think I should stay." He replied.
"Am I not good enough for you?" Y/N mumbled. Draco snapped and held her shoulders tightly.
"Don't ever think that again!"
"But you always talk to Blaise and Pansy and never to me, I wonder if you even love me!"
"I love you so much, it's just something hard you wouldn't understand! I love you with everything in my being, no need to be jealous." Draco said and pecked her temple. You smiled and continued on. Pansy walked by you later and you cursed her.

Seamus-4/10. Of Dean. They're always hanging out, which you don't mind but you hadn't gone on a date in two and a half months. You missed him a lot.
"Hey baby, Dean and I are gonna go get some food from the kitchens." Seamus said.
"Fine whatever." You replied.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"It's just- nothing!" You replied.
"Tell me!"
"You an Dean are always having fun together! I just feel boring." You said.
"You're the most interesting person I know, were just being boys, I love you." He said causing you to smile.
"Are you jealous of Dean?" Seamus asked with a smile.
"Yes! He's funnier and smarter then me and he sees you more then I do!" You said. Seamus chuckled and kissed you softly.

Oliver-7/10 Yup! You guessed it, Quidditch. Now that Oliver was out of school and in a professional Quidditch team he was busy. And when he was free to talk to you when you'd goto Hogsmede he'd only talk about Quidditch. You were jealous of a sport, something he seems to love more than you.
"And then at the practice on of the bludgers- what's wrong?"
"Nothing!" You snapped. He caught your wrist and pulled you back into him.
"Tell me, darling." He whispered.
"You love Quidditch more than me." You mumbled. Oliver chuckled.
"I could love nothing more then you, nothing!" He said. You smiled and kissed his lips.
"Now, let me show you how much you mean to me." He smirked.

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