Studying: Neville imagine

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word count-751 IT IS REALLY BAD!!

Neville Longbottom. Everyone made fun of him, laughed at him, teased and tortured the poor boy. Everyone except you. Y/N Potter. You understand him. You both live with unloving relatives, both aren't that strong at magic yet. Only striving in certain subjects. You decided to pluck up the courage and ask him to study. It's the nice thing to do.
"Hey Neville." You called as you walked into the great hall, Ron walking beside with Seamus and Dean.
"Oh h hello, Y/N." He stuttered out.
"I'm having a little trouble with the Herbology assignment, do you think you could help me?" You asked walking closer to him.
"Oh y yeah, of c course." He answered.
"Thanks Nev." You smiled and walked into the hall. Leaving the stunned and dazed boy by the door.
"Neville. Really?" Ron whispered to you as you walked in.
"He's sweet." You answered. "Besides, it'd be nice to make a new friend."
"You've got us!" Ron said, Seamus and Dean nodding their heads.
"A friend that isn't obsessed with Quiditch." You replied.
"I think she's got a crush!" Hermione cooed from in front of you.
"Hermione shut up!" You snapped.
"On Neville?" Seamus laughed.
"Seamus, shut up!" You snapped.
"Oh my gosh, she does!" Dean spoke.
"Well you wouldn't need to worry about him cheating aye?" Ron joined in.
"Be quiet! I wanna goto the Yule Ball with him." You spoke quietly. The boys started to holler and howl with laughed. Hermione on the other hand got excited. She started to talk about their dress robes and how they should goto Hogsmede together. You trailed of though. To the talk boy. He was shy and quiet and awkward but adorable and sweet too. He was always kind to everyone, and even if he lacked in the braveness department he was great at Herbology. He just seemed to really come to life when he spoke about plants, their uses, how dangerous some could be, how useful and how beautiful he finds them. One time, you heard him him mumble about how you were more beautiful then all of the plants.

Third person!! Time skip to studying.

Y/N had sent a letter to Neville telling him to meet her at the Library at seven. She checked the time, realising she only had ten minutes she bolted. Running out from the hall.
"Where are you going?" Ron called. Y/N ignored him and kept running. She toppled into the library, earning a hiss from Madam Pince. She walked in further and further through he dimly lit space. Until she saw him. Sitting at a table anxiously, his foot tapping turning into his leg now bouncing, hands curled together, a pile of ten books next to him. She cleared her throat causing him to jump lightly and look up at her.
"Oh, h hey, y you're here." He said standing up.
"Of course Nev, thank you so much for this, it would really help." Y/N said walking closer. She reached up for a hug, arms opened wide Neville blushed and pulled her close to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and hers found their way to his back. They just stood there for a bit. It was nice, but it broke off when Neville let out a small sigh and brought them back into reality.
"Uh we should get to it." She said quickly, pulling out her chair and sitting opposite him.
"Yeah of course." He replied and sat down. He pulled open a book and started to teach her. He would sometimes trail off and stare at her, she noticed sometimes and would blush a littl. She learnt a lot, he was actually a good teacher, he taught her well and she understood. After a couple hours she yawned.
"I think, we should end it for the day." Neville said.
"What? No! I'm having fun." She said quickly. "Oh but if you're tired, we can."
"Do you... wanna come back... tomorrow maybe?" Neville asked.
"Yes! I mean sure yeah." Y/N said. "Oh and I've been meaning to ask you this. But, doyouwantogototheballwithme?"
"Sorry, uh what was that?" He asked.
"Do you want to goto the ball with me." She said slowly.
"Oh! Yes! Very much." He blushed, his whole face was a bright pink, but his big grin shone out. She leaned over the desk and pecked his lips.
"See you Nev." she said and walked out, leaving him stunned and blushing.

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