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Sorry if you read this and it's choppy and a bunch of nonsense! I have to edit stilllll

I jump onto the bed and land on my stomach, my phone bouncing out of my hands and rebounding off my face. Tobin is busy on her phone, and Alex rummages through her suitcase. Nobody sees a thing. I rub my nose with a pout.

Tobin glances up from her phone and looks at Alex. "I told Moe we'd swing by her room so we could all head down to breakfast together. Is that okay?"

Alex pulls a hoodie over her head and answers, "Yeah, that's fine. We should leave now. Is she ready?"

"I doubt it," Tobin murmurs, typing away at her phone again.

I huff and roll off the bed. Shuffling sulkily, I cross to the other bed and stand myself up on it. I lean forward, wrapping my arms around her neck from behind and burying my head in her shoulder.

"Hi, sweet girl," she says with a smile and pats my arms. "Are you all ready to go down?"

I nod into her shoulder. "I've been ready."

She turns and scoops me up in a tight hug. "Oh, you've been ready?" She tickles my sides, and I squeal squirming until she lets me gently down on the floor. I collapse to the carpet in a fit of breathless giggles. "Come on, silly. We can go rush Morgan. It will be fun. She'll hate it." She winks at me and helps me up.

Tobin immediately cuts in, "Don't you dare, Alexandra. I'm not dealing with crabby Moe today."

Alex pauses. "Is everything okay, Tobs?"

"Yeah." She pockets her phone and grabs her own hoodie. She adds a last minute hat. "I just feel bad." She holds the door open for us. I quickly grab my Nintendo Switch on the way out.

Alex checks the back of her phone. "Oh! I have to grab the key." I wait in the hallway and power up my game. Alex comes back out slipping the key into the back of her phone case. Tobin closes the door behind us and leads us down the hallway. Alex asks, "Why do you feel bad?"

"I just feel like we haven't talked much. I dunno. I just feel like I'm . . ." She trails off.

"Neglecting her?" I supply, clicking on my game.

"Eleanor Mae, pay attention to where you're walking," Alex scolds.

I glance up and see just a long stretch of hallway, so I go back to clicking away.

Tobin puts her hand on my shoulder and asks Alex. "You don't think I'm neglecting her, do you?"

The question isn't asked to me, so I don't say anything. But in the three months I've been with the team, I haven't really talked to Morgan.  Tobin has here and there, but not enough for Morgan and I to cross paths if that speaks for anything.

Alex says, "She's a big girl, Tobs. She'll let you know if she's feeling that way."

Tobin grumbles something about not being too sure about that. I don't care much for the conversation anymore. I am building a little moat around my house in my Minecraft survival world.

"This is it, right?"

"Oomph!" My device tumbles out of my hand, and I scramble to catch it. I manage to pinch the corner right before it hit the ground. Breathing a sigh of relief, I look up to see Alex facing me with hands on her hips.

"Sorry," I say with a sheepish grin. "I didn't see you stop."

Alex purses her lips but then sighs. "You would have if you were paying attention like I asked." She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me over. "Are you okay?"

Call Up: A USWNT FanficWhere stories live. Discover now