☆Part One☆

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Veronica's POV

I walked into the dorm room labeled 3B. I walked inside and there was this amazing living room and kitchen. "This is amazing." I said quietly to myself. I started walking down a hall to find an empty room.

I went to the furthest room down the hall. I finished putting my stuff in my room and walked back out into the main room. There I found a girl with a blonde ponytail. She turned around a gave a friendly smile.  "Hi, I'm Betty Cooper." She said walking over to me holding her hand out. I took her hand and smiled back. "I'm Veronica Lodge." I replied. She turned back and grabbed a couple of bags. "Is there another free room?" She asked. I nodded. "Yep! It's just right down the hall. The doors still open." I told her. "Do you need help?" "No, I got it. Besides, my boyfriend is coming back up." I nodded.

A few minutes later a guy with a beanie and a leather jacket with a snake on the back. Betty walked back and smiled. I was just sitting on a stool by the counter. "Here's the last of your bags." He said. "Thanks, Juggie." She said and pecked his lips. They took all of her bags back to her room. I just sat there, eating my apple and listened to Betty giggling from her room and her boyfriend chuckling.

I was sitting on my bed reading 'The Outsiders' when a knock came at my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened. I never looked away from my book. "Hey." I heard Betty's voice. "Hi." I said. "What are you reading?" She asked. "The Outsiders." I said. "That's a good book. What part are you at?" I shrugged. "When Johnny stabs the Soc." I put my book down. "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt your reading." I shook my head. "No, it's fine. I've read that book a few times before." She laughed. "You're like my boyfriend. He reads books over and over again." "Oh, well, he must really liket them then." She just smiled. "Yeah, so uhh, I came in here to see since we are going to be the only two living here, that we should uhh get to know each other." I sat up and nodded. "Yeah, okay." I patted the spot next to me on my bed. She sat down next to me. "So, what do you wanna know?" I asked. "Well, I guess whatever you wanna tell me." She was still smiling. I smiled too. "Well, you already know my name. I'm still eighteen. I'm turning nineteen at the end of the month. I don't have a boyfriend and I grew up in New York. I am also the only child." I finished. She nodded. "Great! Now, your turn." I said. "I just turned nineteen. I did a few weeks ago. I am not the only child I have an older brother and sister so that makes me the youngest. I grew up in the small town of Riverdale. And now I'm here." I nodded. "Well, happy late birthday." "Thank you." "And I've never heard of a town called Riverdale." She shrugged. "Not lots of people would." We both laughed a little. I grabbed my phone. "It's almost noon. Do you want to go get sowmthing to eat?" I asked. "Please, I haven't eaten since I left my house this morning." I laughed. "Same let's go." She stood up and walked to the door. I grabbed my jacket and it on then we left.

We found a little cafe right around the corner of the school. We sat at a little table and we both ordered a salad. "So, why'd you decide to come to college"? Betty asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. I know it's partly to get away from my parents." "I know what you mean. I wanted to get away from my parents. Get out of town and all of that." I nodded. "Yeah. Back at my highschool I was known as the spoiled rich bitch. And I was I'm not going to deny it. My dad has also been arrested and my mom wanted to move, but I said I wasn't going so she had to stay." She nodded. "Yeah? I wouldn't want to leave where I didn't grow up either." We both laughed a little. We talked for the next few hours.

Once we got back to our dorm room it was almost three. We were sitti no the couch watching TV when her phone went off. "Oh, uhh, I gotta take this." I nodded and she walked to the back. I heard her door shut.

It wasn't very long before she came back out. "Sorry, it was my boyfriend." She said. I gave her a friendly smile. "It's fine." She sat next to me again. It was quiet before I said sowething. "Clingy?" I asked. "Huh?" She asked. I looked at her. "Your boyfriend. Is he clingy?" She sighed and looked at me. "Yeah a bit." "What's his name?" "Originally it's Forthsye Pendleton Jones the lll, but we all call him Jughead." I nodded. "Oh, he even sounds clingy, but also a loner all at the same time." She nodded and we looked back at the TV. "He says he's a loner, and he sort of is. He never really hangs around people and has never really had friends." I just smiled. "Oh, then how did you end up with him?" I asked. We looked at each other once again, and this time it was straight in the eyes. "Uhh I don't know. Luck I guess. We've been together since our sophomore year of highschool. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but other than that we always get together in the end." I nodded. She looked down at her hands. "How about you? Have you ever had a good relationship?" I shook my head. "No, never. I'm not really the dating type. I guess I just haven't found the one yet." She nodded. "Yea." "Mmhmmm."

After a few hours I walked into Betty's room and she was on her phone, smiling and giggling. I guess she's texting her boyfriend. I stopped by her bed and she was looking at me. "Do you just want to order a pizza and have it delivered? I mean we will have to get used to that once clasess start in a few days." She gave another friendly smile and nodded. "Yea, okay."

Once the pizza came we stood at the kitchen counter and started eating. I ate a good three peices before stopping. "Okay, no more." We both laughed. "Oh, it hurts to laugh." She said. "Mmm yes, it does. What time is it?" I asked grabbing my phone. "It's seven-thirty." She said. I sighed. "I'm gonna go get in the shower." She nodded. "Okay."

I walked to my room, grabbed soem clothes then walked into the bathroom. I turned the water on then just stood in front of the mirror. I sighed and checked to see how warm the water was.

When I was out of the shower Betty got in. I sat in my room reading my book again. It was about eight when I got up to get a drink of water. I walked into the kitchen and got a drink. As I walked back down the hallway Betty's door was open. "Hey." I said just standing at the door. "Oh hi." She said putting her phone down. "I was going to tell you I'm going to bed." She nodded. "Okay. I was about to go to." I nodded and turned to leave. "Good night." She said. I looked back at her. "Good night." We both smiled. I walked to my room and went to sleep.

So, this is what I'm starting with. I hope you like it. This book will have both first person and third person POV's.

Beronica: ROOMMATES (Love Chaos)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt