chapter I - Hold me to that bus

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"The new kid, huh?", Jack thought while he got ready for his first day. He got dressed as fast as he could, cause he did not want to be late at his first day.

"Jack! Come, now! You're gonna miss the bus!" - screamed his mother in a worried voice.

Jack ran downstairs, ripped his lunch from his mother's hand and ran to the door. As he was opening it, his mother coughed ironically.

"My kiss!" - she demanded.

"I thought you did not want me to miss the bus!" - she coughed again, ignoring him. Jack ran back to her and kissed her cheek - "Bye, mom!" - he said, running to the door, again.

As he opened it, the bus was passing. He screamed and waved his arms, desperately. "I can't lose this damn metal box!", he thought. But the bus stopped, right before turning to the next street. Jack ran, again. "I'm not going to P.E. today!", thought Jack, covered in sweat, as he arrived at the bus door. The door was already open so, he just hopped in. He showed his school card to the driver and he pointed to the back, giving permission to Jack to enter. "What a good morning person!", thought Jack, ironically, as we looked for a place. There was one free place, at the back, but there was a kid with his backpack there, so Jack would have to ask to sit.

"Hey, can I?" - asked Jack to the kid with headphones.

The other one didn't answer, but he did took the bag from the sit next to him, so Jack was able to sit in his first bus trip to his new school.
He was about to start a conversation with the guy with black and curly hair next to him, but as soon and Jack looked at him, the kid started gazing at the view outside the window, so Jack just kept himself quiet, which was hard for him, because he's a very talkative person. But well, "Deal with it, Jack!", he said to himself.
Fifteen minutes later, the bus arrived at the school. Jack and almost everyone at the bus dropped out there, including the guy who was next to him.
As soon as he entered the school hall, Jack though "What a jungle!". It was as noisy as a shopping mall and as smelly as his used clothes basket, which he rarely remembers of dropping in the laundry room. Jack tried to avoid everything and everyone, while he checked his timetable, but he couldn't make tails or heads out of it. "Typical cliche!", he thought. "What now? Is some angel gonna appear and help me? How please, god, at least give me a cute one!".

"Hey, are you the new kid the teachers were talking about?" - asked a girl voice.

Jack looked at her. She was hearing some 80's shorts and shirt and her hair was being hold by a scrunchy. "Oh please... Really? I should have stayed in the bus!", wished Jack.

• Hold me to that bus

Hold me a little longerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن