chapter I

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Ezra was in no mood to party, but it was the only way to forget the feeling in his gut, that was telling him that she was in trouble. If only he could figure out whom she is. "Ezra you seem kind of out of it today, you all good?" Asked his best friend. "Yeah I'm good just thinking about school." He lied, he could not bring himself to tell Jab what was really going on.
Ezra himself did not understand. Ever since he dreamt of that girl and that wicked looking guy. He has been feeling like half his soul was ripped out of his body. "You know, you're still a bad Liar." said Jab pulling him out of his thoughts; sometimes it was scary, how well Jab knew him. "I don't know what's wrong. I would tell you but I don't know what to tell you." He said honestly. Jab studies him for a while then said, "well this is a party, a place to forget all your troubles and have fun." "I guess you are right." Ezra replied.

Ezra was surprised and his stomach stirred as if Jab mentioning the girl should have meant something. Before he could think more about-it he remembered that he never told Jab or anyone about the girl. "How do you know about her?" He asked with no interest, he knew if he acted too interested Jab wouldn't tell him. "You talk in sleep, started about a week or two ago, keep saying something about a mist, and warning somebody. Not loud enough for normal people to hear of course." Jab answered as if Ezra should already know this. "Wait what do you mean by not loud enough for normal people to hear?" As soon as he asked, he regretted it. Jab has been telling him that he has super hearing, of course Ezra did not believe him but as the years passed Jabs hearing did prove to be better than the average.
He even almost had Ezra believing that he did have super hearing. "Wait don't tell me, you were able to hear because of your super hearing." He said with sarcasm. "You are absolutely right." He replied with pride. "Don't be too proud I still don't believe you have any super hearing." Ezra said with no emotion.
"Is okay bro not everybody is blessed with my kind of gift, Is okay to feel a little Jealous every once in a while. Tell me is dreaming about another girl consider cheating?" He said with a cheeky smile "I don't know, why?" Ezra answered "because I just heard your girl come in. While you have been thinking about some blond." Jab replied with a hint of amusement in his tone. "For the last time you don- what?"
"Oh, I said your girlfriend just came to the party"
"damnit, she is going to kill me."
"Maybe she won't find you."
"yeah, yeah, you're right."
"Who are we kidding of course she'll find you, you're the only guy whose mopping at a party. All though this party is dead." He was right Ezra has been in his own world for the past week or two.
The party that was supposed to take things of his mind turned out to be a long quite, boring party. Giving him more than enough time to think about everything. "Hide me." He said desperately. "Too late she's behind you." And with that Jab left him. Now Ezra had to deal with Bonnie on his own. Ezra was almost afraid to turn around; he could only imagine how mad she was.
"Do you know what I have been through?" She asked calmly, hearing her talk so calm surprised Ezra, when he turned she did not seem one bit angry, just a little irritated but that was nothing knew she always looked irritated. "No" he answered hesitantly. "Well" she continued" my parents just told me that due to my father's work, I would have to share a room a with a girl in a coma, can you believe this?" Ezra heard what she said but he was still stuck on why she seems so calm when she should be yelling at him. "You are not mad" he said, even though he knew he should leave be, "I have not talked to in a month and you are not mad at me?"
"What are you talking about; I was just with you two days ago!" She said replied
"What? No! It has been a month since I have seen you!"
"Have you been drinking?"
"No!" He knew something was wrong, he could feel his brain trying to reach for something but he was block. "Did Jab put you up to this?" Asked Bonnie "is this supposed to be funny?" Ezra suddenly felt like he, he would be in danger if he continued with this. "Oh yeah sorry, he dared me to act, like I haven't seen you in a while." He lied.
"Well come on, you look sick, tie to end this dead party." She said looking around.
"You go ahead I feel fine!"
"You are not fine, not if you are listening to what Jab says." She was right Ezra would never do any of Jab's childish dares. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He said wanted to end the conversation. He was still confused about, why Bonnie couldn't remember last two months, but he was too tired to think about it any longer, he gladly went with Bonnie. Maybe I just need a good night's rest he thought.

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