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As soon as she stepped out of the portal she felt the overwhelming power. She followed the power, which led her to two boys heading out. She made sure to hide her presence and observe them.

Something wasn't right, the power felt welcoming and dangerous at the same time. Even though she put in enough distance between herself and the two boys, the boy with the crimson hair and icy blue eyes which did go well with his too innocent face, stopped as he was closing the door and looked directly at her direction she doubt he could see her but something in his eyes told her he was aware of her presence. After a couple of seconds he turned and walked after the huge dark-skinned guy with warm brown eyes.

She followed them until she had felt the presence of an Anino. She’s been itching to get some action since she woke up, she tracked down the Anino across town she was able to get rid of him easily which was a disappointment, and she liked a little challenge. She headed back to find the two boys. She was followed them to a school, Friendship Central School, she bypassed the gates and was about enter the school but decided it was best if she concealed her presences.

She was able to figure which of the two boys was giving off such a dangerous scent; it was the boy with the crimson hair. She made sure to follow him and get as much information as she before calling Tia over.  

When Ezra was left all alone in the wide long silver hallway, Rachel made sure to put extra distance between herself and him. She found the idea paranoid, he seemed like a normal boy, and so she started to close the distance between them.

She stopped when he suddenly came to stop he looked around, her heart pounded loudly, he closed his eyes and seemed to be focusing real hard, and then his scent changed this was a much more dangerous scent than before, when he opened his eyes he looked in the direction where she was standing seeing his eyes made her take a step back her sword scraped against one of the lockers making a faint sound, with that he looked directly at her with he his head turned.

They were unlike anything she has ever seen, one eye was red, dangerous and chaotic just like every Anino she has seen expect his looked ten times worse and bloodthirsty than any Anino she has ever seen, the other eye was as blue as the ocean, filled with warmth and innocence.

She saw all she needed to see she had to take him this out, he was too dangerous, she tried to move but she could his gaze was locked on her, she could feel fear creeping up in her mind, she hasn't felt this kind of fear since she was a kid, she could see his body turning towards her was going to kill her she had to move, but she was frozen with fear.

As he was about move towards her the Big guy from came from behind him and kicked, that seemed to have snapped him out of whatever trance he was in, his eyes turn back to icy blue and the overwhelming power was gone.

Now that she was able to move Rachel wanted to strike the boy who went by the name Ezra down but couldn't bring herself to do it. She was angry at herself for feeling fear. If this was the boy she had to bring back with she couldn't do it.

For the rest of the she decided it was best to keep an eye on from a distance and left the school, even being so far from the school she could still sense his presence as if he were right next to her.

When the school was finally over, Rachel saw Ezra walking home; she couldn't risk going any closer.

After a couple of minutes she sensed an Anino further down the road, she wanted to go deal with but she also couldn’t let Ezra see her. She waited to see what would happen, Anino waited for Ezra, and when he was close she came out of the corner, Rachel didn't know what to do, she waited to see how things play out,

She saw the Anino land a clean blow, right on the sternum. He ran Rachel knew running was futile; the Anino wasn't even trying to catch him seriously. She wondered why he did release that power she felt before was because the Anino was using the body of his teacher. Either way he would die if he doesn't do something she thought.

After a couple of minutes of playing cat and mouse the Anino decided to end thing and dashed around the corner, when Ezra tune she was already waiting for him, she pushed as soon as he turned cause him to fall back, he seem at his limit. The Anino move to finish him off, Rachel saw all she needed to for some reason he wasn't using that power she felt before to save himself but she couldn’t let him die not just yet, she had to bring him back with her.

As she was about release her concealed form and jump in, Ezra Knocked the knife out of the Anino’s hand and was up on his feet before the Anino knew what happened. Rachel was sure she saw him lose consciousness, but there he was up on his feet and fighting better than he did before.

He was now moving faster than before and he wasn’t run away either he looked ready to fight he wanted blood; she could feeling his intent to kill all the way from where she was.

The Anino moved with inhuman speed but Ezra wasn’t fazed he dodged and blocked every punch the Anino threw, he pushed her back easily, she backed surprised at how easily he was able to keep up with her, she ran at him, he didn’t move, Rachel could feel his power rising, Right as the Anino reached him, he took a smooth step back and in an instant he did a clean fast roundhouse kick, but the kick didn't connect with the mortal body it hit directly the Anino possessing it.

This caught Rachel off guard, the Anino flew out of the old lady’s body and attempted to flee but Ezra was already in front of him, with the knife it tried to stab him with, the Anino ran into the knife and disintegrated in a ball of flame.

Afterwards he made sure the old lady’s body wasn't harmed and then disappeared with her right before Rachel's eyes, she didn't know what technique that was or where he disappeared to, she rushed down to where the fight happened he was gone she could no longer sense him. She frantically search but his presence was gone, it was as if he erased him himself from existence.

Just as fast as he disappeared, his presences reappeared, but the overwhelm power was gone she rushed to his location. There, he was soundly asleep in his bed. No matter how hard she tried to think, she couldn’t explain how he had so much power, what he was and how he was able to disappear like that.

She was now able to sense the old lady’s life force too; it came from the hospital all the way at across town. He was able to leap such a distance in so little time.

She had to get Tia this was too much for her to handle; she no longer knew what to think. Was an enemy or was he an ally. He head was filled with too many questions and she had no answers this frustrated her even more.

She opened a portal and went to Tia.

Tia didn’t ask questions when Rachel Told her she had to come and see him for he self, they opened a portal back to New York, just as a man was pulling up in the parking lot. Rachel figure he was Ezra’s guardian, he looked like the guy she saw this morning with Ezra just a couple of years older. Tia did all the talking and before she knew it they were inside have tea in the kitchen, she was well aware if Ezra’s presences he seemed to still be sleeping, Tia sensed him cracked a smile as she sensed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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