The Prank War: Scene 8

Start from the beginning

(They rotate the heads)

Grian & Tango: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

(The door opens)

(On the floor is a combination lock consisting of 4 noteblocks. In front of it is the door to the vault)

Grian: Okay, so next is a combination lock. But don't worry- last time, I just mashed the floor and got in.

(They take turns mashing the noteblocks with their feet. They do outrageous dance moves and breakdances until one of them gets it. The two enter the vault. Grian hits a noteblock, revealing the diamonds)

Tango: There's so many diamonds!

Grian: But we're not here to steal them.

Tango (normal voice:) We're not? (False voice) I mean- We're not?

Grian: Nope! That's just cruel. I just want to make Ren and Doc panic. So we take the diamonds and hide them somewhere nearby, and we replace them with these bad boys.

(Grian dumps the sack, which is full of Grian and Tango heads)

Tango: Quite a handsome prank, if you ask me.

(They take the diamonds and replace them with Grian and Tango heads. Stacking heads in the vault, tossing heads into the jacuzzi, etc. Grian places diamonds in a chest and hides it)

Tango: Honestly, I can't believe how smoothly this went. This is full-proof!

(Grian punches block, which covers the diamond block vault)

Grian: Okay, so next time Doc or Ren have a client, they're going to have to walk into this room and see this- (punches noteblock, revealing all the heads)

(The two burst out laughing)

Tango: The client may change their mind!

(Grian punches noteblock again and the two exit)

Grian: They're going to genuinely think we stole the diamonds, when in reality, we just gave them free, valuable heads!

Tango: Exactly! We're obviously the good guys here.

Grian: Honestly, I hope they find the diamonds. If they don't, who knows what's gonna happen! Pranking is complex.

Tango: Really?

Grian: Yeah! Kinda-sorta-maybe. You must know the "victim" enough to cater the prank towards their likings- or preferably, dislikings. I don't consider plain griefing (like lava or TNT or whatever) a prank. What we're doing right now is technically considered griefing when out of context. But unlike other servers, Hermitcraft has a society.

Gentlemen's' rule: don't prank for the intention of causing suffering. But it's also an unwritten rule to retaliate a prank with the same or almost the same (but never more) severity of the prank originally pulled on you.

Stealing these diamonds is simply bad taste. But leaving them here, untouched, is a missed opportunity. They surprised killed me, but I didn't lose my stuff. Things like this must be calculated accordingly.

Tango (chuckling:) So good!

Grian: Hey! This is serious business! Oh, also, there's one more thing I need to do. We need to get into their executives' suite.

(They begin running to the executives' suite)

Tango: Did you plan this whole thing out?

Grian: You can't have a heist without planning!

(The two enter the room)

Grian: As you can see, there is a mini armor stand, peacefully holding a gold block!

Tango: Not for long!

(Grian puts Grian head on armor stand)

Tango: This is so good! I wish I had more Tango heads on me...

Grian: (looking at bush) Now, how would this look...

(Grian and Tango freeze mid-scene)

Cub: Although Grian nor Tango knew it, they just messed up. Big time. Take this as a learning moment. Your actions have consequences. Even the littlest things.

Scar: Such as messing up someone's prized Minecraft bush. In which he spent multiple hours making with armor stands on a livestream and based his entire stock exchange's ego around.


(Grian puts Grian heads on Doc's bush, laughing)

Tango: It's a Bonsai Grian tree! It's perfect!

Grian: It's brilliant!

Tango: It's beautiful!

Grian: It's magnificent!

 Tango: It's extravagant!

Grian: Brings a tear to my eye! And I believe with that, our work is done.

Tango: Professional cat-burglars!

Grian: And NO ONE will know it's us! Let's scram!

(The two exit)

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