Those People Obscure The View

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After the reunited friends had separated and after a good quarter of an hour on Robbie's estate and thus on the threshold of the main entrance, Gary was again plagued by doubts. If he were to live a normal and regular life again, he would much rather let it go much slower - than it was just the case. After all, until recently, he had lived practically on the street for five long years. He couldn't possibly move from one hour on the other in this kind of dwelling. No. That was far too much for him at the moment. While Robbie opened the door and he stepped inside shortly afterwards, Gary struggled to do the same with himself.

When Robbie realized that Gary hadn't followed, he could only ask, a little surprised, "What? Do you need an extra invitation? It's really all okay. Ayda certainly doesn't mind if you move back in with us. ...We have enough space."

"That's exactly what it is. ...Don't... don't you have anything that's smaller by a few numbers? Some... something like a tree house maybe?"

At first Robbie didn't understand what Gary wanted to tell him, but then it clicked on him. In fact, he should have known straight away that his friend coming straight off the street might have a problem with it and that even though he had lived no different five years ago. It must have been a huge change for him even then, both then and now. Robbie could well imagine how difficult it must be when the previous life turned upside down and got a drastic change. Now that Gary's life was clearly on the verge of another upheaval, he was probably very unsettled and had to have something scary about him for his friend.

"Shit." Robbie cursed himself at first, until he admitted to Gary that he hadn't even thought about his situation for a second and tried to meet him with a tasty suggestion, "Sorry. I haven't thought about that now. I should have known better that you might have a problem with it. ...You know what? Come in first. After breakfast, we look for a solution together. Ok? ...In case of need, we build a tree house for you."

On the picture of how Robbie really builds a tree house for him and he constantly hit himself with a hammer next to him and thus on his beautiful and gentle fingers, Gary could only smile into himself – which then also transferred immediately on his face and thus , for one like Robbie. When Robbie saw this small, beautiful and somewhat shy smile, he gave him one of his own, but otherwise he put the women around the mind in rows. Knowing all too well Gary Robbie's methods and different smiles, he then felt his blood go up sideways and he assumed a slightly reddish color. While he had apparently taken root, Gary was asked at one point if he wanted to get in at last or if Robbie had to help him with a sack cart. Before Gary gave him an answer, he nodded at him once briefly and then stepped inside with mixed feelings.

As soon as the two friends were in the actual heart of the property and after the door was closed, a crowd of barking dogs immediately stormed towards them. But the four-legged friends took more direction towards Gary than on their masters. Actually, they always did this when a visitor came up here, but this time it was a little different – as if they wanted to welcome an old friend. Before Gary could save himself in any way, he was already attacked by one of the larger dogs and pushed to the ground. In the following second, after Gary had made an unsanctioned landing, several dogs licked his face with great joy and at the same time his face.

"I told you, you will be unforgettable!" Robbie couldn't leave this already imagined attack uncommented with a broad grin.

"Can't you ...can't you... please help me?" Gary gasping for air, who gradually felt completely helpless and slain by the dogs.

"To be honest, I'd love to let them lick you a little bit further. After all, they have to make up for a full five years," Robbie remarked more incidentally, trying to give his dogs a fair chance to make up for lost time.

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