Chapter 1

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"Jimin,shhh!! Do you hear that?",the husky deep voice whispered.
"Shhh,you are gonna scare it away"

There was a light hue of orange spread over the horizon,the dawn was breaking lightly and it was too early for the world to wake up but Jimin had his eyes wide again at that unearthly hour.It's not like he had an alarm set or something that he usually does at the time but he was awake yet again at 4 in the morning.No matter how late he falls asleep or how tired he was the last night,his brain sprang to action once it senses 4 O' clock.Waking up so early wasn't the only problem,the memories that came with it didn't help either.It's been five years Jimin,five years is too long to reminisce on what he had lost once.He gave up trying to fall asleep and decided to take a stroll.Something he had grown acquainted to,Something that had became a hobby,a habit,a daily routine.He'd walk the lonely streets of Seoul as far as his legs would take him,most times a little too far from his dorm, it usually ends by the Han river.

There's no particular memory that came with Han river,just little picnics with his bestfriend Jisoo,sometimes even her boyfriend Namjoon joined,Some lonely evenings or a walk with Hoseok hyung after practice.But strangely it reminds him of Nakdong river back in Busan.Those bike rides on chilling November mornings,hands numb against the handle and heart racing as he pedalled.When the world still contemplated waking up,Jimin'd yell at his bestfriend to wait for him to catch up.And he always waited,Skipping stones over the surface and declare a very serious tournament to know who gets more skips eventually Jimin failing and him shadowing over Jimin,holding him by his waist and arm to teach him how to swing it.Jimin never learned how to swing properly but the chill down his spine then taught him a lot.How to love and how to save a broken heart.

The cool breeze send goosebumps all over him and he pulled his jacket closer.His gaze set onto the sky admiring the beauty of the cold night transforming into a warm day,hopefully a better day.


"Yaah!!",Jimin had had enough of Jisoo.Wasn't following him to Seoul and making his life harder than it is, enough?She had bumped fist over her chest and announced,"you need me,Jimin" when he questioned why she chose the same major as his in Seoul National university.She was practically in most of his classes and solemnly swore she'd bother Jimin with every living cells of her body untill her last breath.Jimin had thought sun finally shone over his life when Namjoon and Jisoo started dating but nope,the hangout was a trio now.And Namjoon never freaking minded.Yes,he did love his bestfriend to the moon and back but her interfering with his diet is not forgivable.

Right now,Jisoo was adding more food onto his plate and Jimin was very close to ending their friendship.But Jisoo didn't even send him a glance as he shouted.
"Ah..Don't throw a fit,Jimin."
"I need to be in shape,A dancer-"
"If it's any relief,I think you have a great body",Namjoon said as he slid into the chair,draping a hand over Jisoo's chair and planting a kiss on her head.
"Your boyfriend is trying to woo me",Jimin said as he leant back,angrily staring at his plate.
"Did it work?",Jisoo asked smiling widely.
"Now eat up",Jisoo said as she refilled his soup off her cup.Jimin stuffed rice into his mouth and pouted.He watched the couple infront of him.

Jisoo was practically glowing,feeding her soup to Namjoon,who grimaced reacting to the sourness.Jimin was getting borderline irritated cause of all the couple cutesy and giggling but they were adorable together,even Jimin can't deny it.

Jisoo met Namjoon not too long ago,3 months to be exact.He is their senior in the university,different department.Namjoon was the typical perfect guy students' council president,the writer and Jisoo wasn't anything less.She was the college's official power vocal.Together they made the otp couple.And their relationship escalated quiet fast,they had lot more in common including their love for the crab community,Don't even ask!
In a blink of an eye,they moved in together to Namjoon's apartment while Jimin was still stuck in dorms,took vacations together,is all lovey dovey.

Jimin hated it with a passion,more like jealousy,but then again mostly because he was part of all their plans.The infamous third-wheel.Jimin found it weird how people can fall in love so easily,so passionate and that reminded him of certain things that he is trying to steer clear off.

"Hey,Jimin..Isn't that the guy?",Jisoo grabbed his attention,whispering low.Jimin whipped his head around and Namjoon straightened over him to look.Yes,that was indeed the guy.The golden guy,like everyone likes to call him.Everyone had a crush on Jungkook..Boys and girls alike,He was the star from the moment he landed.He was good in everything,literally everything.Arts,sports,academics and rumour has it that he is the heir of the famous 'Jeon Enterprises'.He was expected to be intimidating but he wasn't.Jungkook's bunny smile had unanimously won over everyone's heart .

Everyone wanted Jungkook at their table,some on their bed but that's not relevant now.Jungkook slid in between the two guys from the football team and carelessly turned his head around at where Jimin sat.The trio flinched ,caught red handed in the act,But Jungkook smiled at them nevertheless.Jimin turned around way too quickly that he's positive his neck let out a crack.
"You are blushing,Jimin",Jisoo supplied as Namjoon cooed at him.
"Am not!!",Jimin replied.


"Here is your boarding pass,You need to go look for baggage claim once you get down.I have spoke to Yoongi and Seokjin.They'll be there...Call me once you get down and Seokjin will help you-"
"Alright,alright mom..I'll be fine",The boy interrupted his mother and pulled her into a hug.
"Alright..I am just worried"
"Don't ..It's going to be fine",He assured her,"I don't want to get hurt-",the rest of his words got drowned by the announcement of his boarding call.

"Mr.Kim Taehyung",The flight attendent acknowledged as she scanned his boarding pass receiving a boxy smile.
"Have a nice flight"

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