Day 19 (Demi Bourbon x Reader)

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("Secrets? I love secrets." - Day 19)

"...Demi, please. We have to finish at least one cipher."

You pleaded as you leaned your head away from the intoxicated woman, your hands not leaving the cipher machine in front of you.

Demi Bourbon had her arms wrapped loosely around your waist, and her head resting on your shoulder, "But (Y/n), what's the rush? I mean we have plenty of time to spare, why not we get to know each other?" She drawled out with a grin.

She was one of the newest survivors to join the roster. She has a unique skillset too! Though, that skillset makes her drunk throughout the match. You were one of the nearest teammates she had bumped into, so she decided to stick to you.

"Look, Demi, I'll..." An idea suddenly popped into your head, like a lightbulb turning on. "I'll tell you a secret if you help me work on this cipher." Your offer got her interest as she lifted her head off of your shoulder and turned to look at you.

"Secrets? I love secrets. You know how to push my buttons, darling." She gently nudged you to work on the side of the cipher while she worked on the front.

After a while, she let out a small whine. "This is so boring," You ignored her whine and continued to decode. It wasn't until she placed a hand on yours and squeezed it, "I'm sorry if I'm such a mess right now." She apologized as tears started to appear at the corner of her eyes. "I love to drink. It reminds me of all those good times I had,"

At this point, Demi was sobbing. Her hands were off of the cipher and reaching for her bottle of liquor. "I'm so sorry!"

You let out a yelp as an electric burst from the cipher machine shocked your fingertips. You were more concerned over your new friend, who was experiencing a small outburst.

"H-hey, stop crying. It's alright! Let's hurry and go somewhere safe..." That burst from the machine and the sound of Demi's crying was sure to have alerted the hunter. You need to relocate both of you to another cipher and fast, who knows when the hunter would arrive.

You grabbed her free arm and slung it over your shoulders, starting to guide her away. You thought it would be easy to relocate, but you thought wrong.

A sudden brave shout from Demi made you flinch in shock. "Oy! Geisha, Michiko, or whatever! Come and get us if you dare! Wooo!!" You paled at her words. Is she nuts?!

Before you could clamp your hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, she dodged it and pushed the mouth of her bottle to your lips, forcing you to take a couple of swigs of the alcohol.

"Drink up, (Y/n)! We need all the liquid courage we can get!" A mildly bitter and burning liquid entered your mouth, giving you an uncomfortable sensation. Not having any other option, you drank the liquor, feeling it burn your throat on its way down.

If you remembered, one of her brews is meant to give you a tiny speed boost. Maybe it was this one. It didn't take long for the alcohol to kick in. Your cheeks felt hot, and your body was burning up.

"Alright! Let's go!" Demi cheered and linked arms with you, pulling you along down the halls of White Sand Street Asylum. Meanwhile, Michiko stood at the end of the hallway, watching worriedly as you two raced off.


At the end of the match, Patricia and Eli stood at the opened exit gate. Eli looked worried while Patricia tapped her foot on the ground, impatient. "What's taking those two so long? None of them got injured throughout the entire match." Patricia muttered as she shooed away the crows that had started to fly around them. "Go away!"

Eli raised an eyebrow under his blindfold, turning to look in the direction of Michiko. "Michiko's coming... With (Y/n) and Demi. Didn't she try to attack you earlier in the match?"

A quick nod from Patricia confirmed it as she gripped her skull, ready to go and stun her; But the sight of Michiko walking in with both you and Demi tied to balloons stopped her.

"I suggest you get these two back to the Manor and sober them up," Michiko advised and handed the balloons over to Eli before rubbing her forehead. "Chasing two drunk people in an asylum is not ideal..." 

"We're not that drunk!" Demi blurted out. She reached a finger out and poked you on the cheek, "Right, (Y/n)?"

You managed out a groan as you swatted her hand away from you lazily, "... Ugh, Everything's all dizzy and loud. Are we back at the Manor yet? Where's Michiko?" 

"We'll get them back to the Manor safe and sound, don't worry," Eli reassured Michiko all while Patricia tried to handle two drunk survivors.

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