Not wanting to let him see myself I turned around and started walking faster to go away. Away from him.

I reached the washroom and locked myself in taking deep breath. I tried to calm down before going out. When I heard the warning bell ringing I knew I had go out. I went out and without minding anyone I marched straight towards my first class.

 I went out and without minding anyone I marched straight towards my first class

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Fortunately he was not in any class of mine before lunch. I felt pathetic trying to hide from him when it is inevitable. He is going to see me. We go to same school, we are bound to meet each other anyway or bump into each other in the corridor.

When lunch time came I knew I could not avoid him any longer. I will have to face him now. Reaching the lunch room I could smell him. He was inside and he must have smelled me too because of his advance senses.

I opened the cafeteria door and without looking at anyone I made a bee line to the cafeteria line. I could feel his burning stare at my back but I paid him no mind. I took my tray and went towards the back of the cafeteria but sadly luck was not on my side. I saw his table on my way to the back. I kept looking straight and headed towards the back.

As I was just about to pass his table suddenly a tray with cheese and macaroni was thrown in front of me on the floor. I looked down and then looked towards his table. He was standing and looking at me.

When our eyes met I felt as if it was just the two of us there. No one else mattered. His gaze was soft, in awe as if he could not believe he was seeing me, as if he could not believe I was real. We kept on staring into each other eyes, trying to seek each other soul out. Our staring was broken by a female voice.

"Elijah? What happened?" I looked at the girl and saw that she was the same one from the morning. He kept on looking at me but now his face was impassive. He did not pay her any mind which irritated her. She kept on calling his name for attention. "Elijah." this time some other female spoke and I looked at her but looking at her made my blood started to boil.

I was furious, I was seething. I recognize her. She is Anna, a witch. She is the daughter of that betrayer witch who conspired with him to capture me, to emotionally torture me.

She looked confused and scared at my murderous glare. She was panicking, I could she her distress clearly. I wanted to convince myself that she was different but looking at her all I could think was how she looked like her mother.

A redhead from the morning was sitting beside her. He held her hand and started rubbing soothing circles to calm her down and glared at me. He must be her mate I thought.

I turned and looked at my mate to find him already looking at me with confusion and curiosity in his eyes. I looked around me and found the cafeteria was dead silent watching me. Waiting for my next move. Many were glaring at me as if daring me to do something to her. They must be her pack mate.

I looked at her again and chuckled darkly. Every one was stunned by my behavior. I gave her a murderous glare and turned around to leave the room before I did something that would cost me later.

I threw my untouched food in the bin on my way and left the room with a loud bang. The only thought going on in my mind was how I met my Erasthai and that betrayer's daughter in the same day.

Fucking fanstatic I thought bitterly.

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