Chapter 23: The Enduring Experience (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Everything." I mumbled to Elliot and stepped inside my room, finally being able to call it one, apart from the attic. Elliot and Dan pushed past me and in to the bedroom. Suddenly, I felt guilty, our family is having financial problems and I forced them to do this. Most importantly, I should be the one doing this to people's home to get a good wage for survival. This is sure not an example of "Survival of the Fittest".

"I think we should give Evelyn some time to dress herself up!" Elliot winked at me. I shook my head in dismay.

"Yeah, Thank you for that but I'm very much comfortable in what I'm wearing." I went to sit on my bed and hissed in pain. Slowly adjusting my butt to the soft mattress beneath me, I bounced myself on it carefully to see if I still get my head slam in the roof but just like expected but nothing came. Although, I still get headaches when I wake up, I got used to it and now it has become a part of the routine.

Elliot roamed her gaze on my clothes with distaste and disgust, making me feel uncomfortable and I ducked my knees under my chin.

"This-" She pointed to my attire, "- is what you're going to wear to meet Mason?" I nodded my head simple and she sighed. "If I were you I'd dress myself up in something-"

I cut her off; "Flashy, slutty, revealing?" Dan was stiffling a laugh behind Elliot and she just ducked her head down.

"The words I was going for were 'presentable'." She retorted and Dan chuckled a bit then he started shifting his feet around awkwardly.

"So let's go, babe?" Elliot smiled at him and nodded. They both walked out of my room with Dan's arm draped around Elliot's waist.

I roamed around my room, getting used to such extreme light flaming the walls and other stuff in my room. I waltzed around the room until I came to my small cupboard and stood infront of it for a long while thinking on what to wear today. The weather was a bit chilly today, just because it was raining slightly so I decided to opt for a better and comfortable change. I took out a brown knitted sweater; 'who cares?' written in front. I assembled it with my short line of jeans laid on my bed and matched the sweater with all of the jeans for a perfect combination. The final choice was black skinny jeans so I went for it.

After taking a shower, I moistuirized the lotion all over my body and wore the clothes laid on the bed. Glancing at the mirror, I hesitantly took out a lip gloss, battling in-between wearing it or not. Before my mind could've changed, I put the lightest shade of pink gloss on my lips and combed my hair. Taking a hair band with me, I rushed downstairs and to the car, seeing as Dan and Elliot were already waiting for me.

"Shoes?" Elliot glanced at me confusedly and I glance at my feet the same way. Groaning I did another quick route to the house and back in the car.


"The old town?" Dan glanced at me in the back view mirror and grinned widely.

"Elliot wanted to..." He trailed off and Eliot turned her head to me ninety degrees.

"Hope you don't mind." I shook my head. I was fine with it, it was peaceful and great for a walk although I did not expect this from Elliot. A place filled with old people and old traditiong would convince Elliot to visit it the second time in her full conscience; was somehow impossible but really appealing.

We walked out of the car and to my force of habbit, I ducked my head down and focused on watching my feet making the patterns of walking in a pattern that I don't even know if my mind was able to give orders to. It's a custom, to walk like a lady with high class dignity. Sometimes, I wonder if doing things so impressive and classy doesn't make people notice you, although it does make them grow fonder of. But if you try to do something different and really clumsy, people take notice of it. I bet the whole of the town never even thought of a possibility of an existing girl, hiding behind the world's eyes. But then again, this is something only my Dad had the guts to do even the price of it might be unpardonable and death sentence in jail. The thought made my heart beat faster and sinking more low in self-esteem.

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