Chapter 7

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People tend to say that time slows down when there is a gun pointed at you. They say there is the moment that your mind is blank, before there is the sudden shock of having a bullet rip through you. But I didn't experience any of those. I had been in this situation too many times before to be even vaguely shocked. Minus the, you know, just-getting-out-of-the-shower aspect of it.

"Drop the gun, and we can talk this through," I said calmly, my now blue-green eyes focusing on his stormy, greyish ones.

"I think the time for talking has passed, "Ash"," he responded, using my fake name with a small amount of something that resembled contempt.

"There is always time for talking." I moved to the right, my fingers curling over the handle of the door.

"Not. Another. Step." He was suddenly toe-to-toe, face-to-face with me, our noses practically touching. He had the gun pressed to the side of my head, his other hand resting on my waist, as if we were dancing. "You see, I am better at what I do than you are. You are an amateur compared to me." He smiled. His breath smelt of cinnamon.

"And what you do is murder people and devour them?" I asked sardonically, raising an eyebrow. He grinned, and I noticed how sharp his teeth were. 

"Exactly. And by the way, your boyfriend's coming upstairs." He pressed the gun a little harder against the side of my head, and I winced as I heard his finger adjust on the trigger. Before either of us could move, there was the sound of someone entering my bedroom. 

"Theon!" I shouted, and the man laughed a little as the door opened behind me, causing me to stumble backwards, out the bathroom. I landed on the floor, throwing out my hands to break my fall as I glanced quickly at the person standing quietly by the bedroom door. The man with the gun walked forward a little, still holding his weapon tightly as he smiled at me. I repeated the name of my boyfriend, and only when the guy who hadn't talked yet didn't move or respond in any way did I feel a small stab of fear. 

"Oh, darling, considering how there was a gun held to your head at the time that I told you where your lover was, you really shouldn't have thought that I was telling the truth." The weapon holder leapt forward, and I unsucessfully tried to scramble backwards out of his reach, before there was a deafening bang. A sharp pain tore through my shoulder, and I shrieked, the bullet embedding itself deep in my flesh as the man pinned me under him. I thrashed and shouted as he held me down, before a rag that had a sickly sweet smell filled my nostrils. A wave of dizziness washed over me, and all I could do was wilt against the floor like a dying flower as black washed over my vision.  


I woke up by being dumped uncerimoniously on the ground. The first thing that I noticed was the dark canopy of leaves above me, and the smell of earth and plants. A forest. How fantastic.

The second thing that I noticed was that there was thick rope binding my wrists, ankles and knees together. Woo. Fucking. Hoo.

And the third thing I noticed was that I did NOT have a gag. Oh you genius kidnappers, you.

"YO. ASSHOLES. I AM SO NOT OKAY WITH THIS. LIKE. THIS ISN'T COOL." Best thing to do when kidnapped: Be as loud as possible. Maybe they'd think that I was so annoying that they'd give me back. Heehee. I decided to play out this strategy. "HELLO~ NOT MUCH SCARES ME THESE DAYS! I WATCHED THE CONJURING, YOU KNOW. THAT DOLL IS PRETTY CUTE-" I made a sound like a loose balloon as a steel-capped boot gave me a not-so-gentle kick in the side. I used the momentum to roll sideways, attempted to stand, got into a sort of wobbly bend, then flopped back on to the ground. "Well fuck you too, Mister Friendly."

"You talk too much," the one-who-had-the-gun rumbled, grabbing me with his meat-loaf hands and tossing me over his shoulder. I bit him on the ear. "OW!"

"You taste gross. And I should know. I bite a lot of people." I shook my head, making loud retching sounds near his face. He reached up and hit me, and I kicked him in the back of the head, realising that I still wasn't wearing anything. "...You didn't have the decency to dress me before kidnapping me?"

"Extra work," he grunted, and I twisted my head to look at the large house that we had just come to a stop at. My blood ran cold, and I instantly started thrashing about anew, attempting to break free of his grip, but he just held me tighter. "What's wrong lass? Seen this place before?"

Of course I had.

I had lived there for over ten years. 

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