Chapter Four

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  • Dedicado a Daxios Wrathbane, A.K.A His Royal Pain In My Ass

I walked down the dark, lamplit street quickly, my eyes flitting from side to side as the Starbucks bag crackled in my pocket. I could still hear the group following me, their heavy footsteps thudding down on the pavement.

"We know you're the one thath been doin' it, pretty!" The one with the lisp shouted, his friends calling out on how they also knew it was me. 

They couldn't, though.

I was so careful.

There were three in all, one with a gun and two with knives. I would have usually been keen to try and take them on, but I've been feeling...out of it, lately.

"Come back 'ere, and maybe we'll be better about givin' you to the police!" The dark-haired one yelled, his weapon clutched tightly in his hand.

They were afraid of me.

"I have no focking idea what you're talking about!" I replied, my pace quickening.

"Yeth you do, don't lie to uth!" The lisp countered.

"If I did, you'd be dead. I've heard the killer left an entire group of corpses in an ally. Killed. Just like that. You think you three can take the person on?!"

"We can," the one with the gun shouted. "Because we're more experienced at dealing with lying bitches than they are."

"So that means all of your lying bitchy wives have cheated on you? Not surprising, considering how bloody ugly you all are-"


I stepped to the side, avoiding it by an inch or two as the short one took a run at me. I flung my elbow back, slamming it into his face and causing a satisfying crunching noise. He howled in pain, going down on a knee, which allowed me to slam my booted foot into his throat. Leaving him there, I turned, attempting to run, when the lisper grabbed my by the back of my jacket - he'd snuck up on me whilst I was fighting his friend. 

"Got you now, pretty-" He made a surprised grunting noise as I stuck my hands up over my head, slipping down out of the coat, followed by an interesting yelping noise when I rammed my shoulder into his crotch, straightening as fast as possible to throw him off balance. He fell heavily onto the ground, whimpering, and I turned away - only to find the gun pressed against my temple.

Shit. Forgot about him.

"Stay still, or I shoot," he growled, and I smiled.

"No. Move away or I scream."

"Scream and I shoot."

"Shoot and I dodge, trip you, get the gun, then proceed to shoot your testicles off."


"Aha. Good deals. Drop the bloody gun."

He blinked, but then the one with the bloodied face stood, spitting on the ground with a snarl. "Don't you dare, Der. She's mine."

"Awh, fallen in love with me already have you."

"Go fuck yourself."

"No thanks. Unlike you, I have volunteers."

The man with the gun laughed. 

I smiled. Good timing. I dropped my head onto my chest, leaving the gun pointing at empty air as I reached up, pressing my head under his bicep to put his arm in an awkard angle before yanking down with all my weight and strength on his forearm. A gross crunch was heard, and I let go of the flopping, broken arm that I had been holding onto. Rolling to my feet, I looked with confusion at the elbow that now had a massive white chunk of bone sticking out of the flesh. "You may want to get that checked out," I said, before snatching the gun and aiming to shoot him in the face. Due to my distracted gaze I missed, though still shot him - right in the chest. I then aimed the gun at the other one's mouth, which had opened to begin a shout for help, tutting. "Didn't you hear what you're friend said? "Scream and I shoot"." He flopped to the floor, dead. 

His Heart Is MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora