Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to New Mysterious Character

I sighed, brushing the blood off my newest leather jacket with an annoyed scowl. It's just unfair when they bleed everywhere, because I was always so neat. I glanced down, genuine disgust curling my lip as I looked at the pool he'd made.

"You're so thin, you should have made less of a mess," I complained to his corpse, spitting into my palm and wrinkling my nose at the blood that appeared. I quickly drew out my water bottle, taking some of it into my mouth and swirling it around, washing the blood off my teeth and lips before spitting it on him. "And you didn't even stop when I showed you the knife," I whined, huffing and stalking away. This one had been one of the few that actually took me home with him, so I figured that cleaning up would only create a case on how he'd gone missing whilst blood was coating his carpet as well as him being murdered and semi-devoured. I calmly washed his blood off my jacket in the sink, sticking one of my "it was fun, whilst it lasted," notes on his fridge - typed, of course- before striding out the grubby house, closing the door and straightening the mat outside on the steps.                                                                                              

I decided to walk home, even though my heels were killing me, and started elegantly walking down the street towards my own town house. It was perfectly ordinary; a cream coloured building two storeys high, with paned glass windows and a clean white door. Red rose bushes lined the drive; a little joke that I shared with myself every time I walked up the steps. My victim's house was regrettably close to my own, which was risky, yet whilst driving to his, there was no way I could have noticed. As I rounded the corner, a hand clasped around my arm, pulling me backwards into the alley on the side of the road. I swore, glancing towards the person that the hand belonged to with cold annoyance.                                                                                                                                        

 "Hands off asshat, I've been through enough trouble tonight without having to kill off some ammateur kidnapper or mugger because they tried to steal my purse," I stated, rolling my eyes as I felt a gun being pressed to the side of my head. Laughs rang around me. Four, I counted silently.    

 "You? Kill us? No no missy, you got this all wrong," the one with a hold on me announced, snickering like a middle-schooler. I sighed as he pushed me up against the wall, his hands starting to pat me down, testing to see if I had any more hidden items of jewellery or money tucked away.                                                                                                        

 "Hells bells, just go rob some old lady why don't you? They'll  give you an easier time than I will. And that's a promise, not a statement." I snorted as he removed my necklace. "Oh, you're going to get rich off that one," I drawled sarcastically. "A clean-cut diamond from the five dollar store, mhm, aren't you lucky-" I was cut off as someone punched me across the face, bellowing "shut up!". I spat blood, rolling my eyes once again as I drew the knife out of my boot calmly, driving it into the one with the gun's stomach. He fell over backwards soundlessly, giving me time to knee the persisting fumbler in the groin and slam an elbow into his temple. Drawing my knife out of the one I'd attacked first I quickly finished the other two off, neither of them proving much of a challenge. I picked up my purse that one of them had dropped before reclaiming my watch and necklace from fingers that would be stiffening soon due to the cold air, and began singing quietly as I walked away.

"Tip-toe, by the window, through the window, that is where I'll be, so tip-toe, through the tulips, with me-ee.."


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