OutOfJail!Rock x NonInmate!Reader x OutOfJail!Uno || After Prison

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Your eyes glance around the room. Where are the cameras? This has to be some kind of prank? 

Quickly, though, you stop that and nod, putting your phone in your back pocket politely. "Ahh, no problem! No other seats free? And, uh, thank you." 

As he flashes you a grin and sits down, you take in his appearance better. He seems to be a pretty normal guy- nothing evidently scary about him. Long, pretty blonde and pink braided hair, bright blue eyes, jeans and leather jacket. And a stripy hat with the number 11 on it to pull the whole thing together. 

Maybe he's a murderer. I mean, those all look normal don't they? 

"Names Uno. Hope you don't mind my sitting here with you, but I couldn't let a pretty girl sit all alone like that, a weirdo might approach you." His grin turns joking, and one look into those heartbreaker blue eyes and you know you wont mention that he may very well be a weirdo. Instead, you grin back and think hard on something to say. 

"Aha... well, that was gallant of you." 

"I guess that makes me your Knight in shining armour, hey?" He winks. 

Oh god, you've been shot. 

Right through the heart! 

Why are you meeting such handsome boys lately, where did they come from? Some magical land where they grow attractive men from the ground like beanstalks?? (Author: *Cough* Its called Nanba Prison)

"I guess so. How will I repay you... " You remember your hot chips, and gasp, offering him to box cutely. "Oh, yeah, here!" Uno chuckles at your adorableness, and takes one and starts munching. 

"So, what were you reading there? Texts from a boyfriend, maybe?" He's definitely fishing. This Uno is not a subtle guy, and even you, can pick up on it. 

"Oh, why?" You giggle, chewing on a chip yourself. 

"So there's not a boyfriend! Great! My favourite kinda girl, apart from my girl which is, unfortunately, an empty position right now. Maybe you want to fill it?" 

You just laugh. 

___Time Skip___

... honestly, you should have seen this coming. 

I mean, how many men are called 'Rock'? 

Uno told you that some of his friends were going to be here when you came over, and that they were called Jyugo, Nico and Rock. How many people are called Rock, other then the one you knew??

"And, this is Rock!" Uno introduces you, as he walks your through his apartment to get the tea he wanted to show you. You stop, and waive cheerfully, especially at Rock. Uno does a double take, stopping as well. 

"Hey, Y/N!" The behemoth comes forward and wraps you up in a one armed hug against his chest, before easily letting go again. Its nice to see him! You've been texting, of course, nearly every day but its much nicer to see him in person. And it seems he feels the same way, if the huge smile on his face is anything to go by. "How's it going?" 

"All good here, you?" 

"Awesome, its great to see you!" 

"You too!! We shouldn't go so long without meeting up again," You laugh, because it's true. texting can only be so nice. He shakes his head, agreeing. 

"A... " Uno looks lost, but like he desperately wants to cut in here. So, he travels to stand between the two of you, and looks from you to Rock curiously, multiple times. "This is nice, isn't it?" You and Rock watch as he breathes deeply. Jyugo and Nico just sit on the couch, watching the scene. You swear you see them take bets. "... Now one of you wanna explain to me why you're so chummy!?

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