"Of Course I don't want to stab them"

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It's pretty pointless. I have a great life. I'm having the time of my life right now, chilling in university while doing a degree that I like, and have many supportive friends despite my introverted ass. Yet the funny thing is, I still cannot get over grudges.

Girl, it's been 9 years at least. You're probably not even in their life anymore. What they did, as a child, can be justified by just that. You were a total brat when you were a kid as well, yeah I wanted to slap myself when looking through recordings.

Sadly, the truth is, I probably won't be able to confront the case anyway. It's not important, really, you are able to still make friends, socialize well, and use it to get ahead. That lil' bitch .... that lil' bitch gives me greatest joy when I think about potential accidents, such as: falling down and breaking her neck in horse riding, being paralyzed for the rest of their life.

No, of course I don't want to stab them, it's not that at all. Given the opportunity, such that I wouldn't be caught and good get away scot free, I'd definitely take the chance to give them the time of their life. But in this age, it's not possible to take revenge in such a large scale w/o getting caught.

So my next best thing to do is just hope for an accident. Hope that something happens to her. Just a slip. And boom, in the hospital for a while. The irony is that today when talking to people at a pro-life stand, we agreed that life was valuable. Yet I'm making an exception for this one. I'm so swayed by my biases and past experiences with this girl that I can't look past it and see her value, despite it probably being much more of an impact than mine.

Perhaps it's best to just forget about all this. At least that's what I'm trying to do. My past does not define me, so why should her's define her?

(btw this will also be published on Quotev.com/Dumbass444)

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