Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : The arrival of Sasuke, a
Clingy brat?

Sakura (Kashira) POV

Hello people! your megami is back!

I am wearing a kimono again for babies cause we're going to Neji's Birthday he's turning 1 year old now and it's because it is July 3rd today.

I prepared a gift for him which was a bracelet with the yin-yang symbol that has a seal in it and like the other ones with an S-rank Genjutsu to hide the fact that it has a seal.

Neji's seal is also to prevent his future death, I've come to a thought that I'm giving the seals to Neji and itachi kinda early.

Anyways I'm done now the hyuga maid only comb my hair along with a kimono prepared by them specially for me made with the most expensive silks.

Mother and father are busy,in the anime sakura's parents were not ninja's but in this reality they are ninja's and their jounin level so you could say they are on a mission.

Hiashi's wife was the one carrying me to where Neji's Birthday was held, though
Hyuga's does not celebrate a big birthday party for a branch member but neji was hiashi's nephew so they celebrated his birthday.

I just arrived at where Neji's party is held
And I'm sitting alone in a chair observing all the hyuga's who attended the party may it be branch members or main members.

Well I was alone until the birthday boy sat next to me, "hello, what are you doing here little one?" Neji asked confused on why a non Hyuga baby was here, and is he really expecting a damn 3 months old baby to freaking speak?!

I decided to speak non fluently "I m attwending yow biwthday" I said pretending to have a hard time speaking, Neji seems to buy it as he looked at me shock but covered it up with a small smile
And before he could speak I gave him a his gift with a close eyed smile.

"tish ish my giwft for u" I said to him talking like a normal 1 year old while he took the gift and wore it with a smile when he opened it, "Thank you" he said as he ruffled my hair as he took his leave.

I just realized that neji is talking so fluently...

Oh well I had hiashi's wife to carry me home after I had my fills of dango's and cake that hiashi-san gave me.


'Sup people it's July 23rd today and guess what?
It's the time when duckbutt is born,

And I am currently sitting on ita-nee's lap while we are eating dango's.

Mikoto-san was inside the room where we could hear her screams cause she's giving birth to duckbutt and ita-nee and I are sitting in a chair outside the room while fugaku-san and mother are panicking for mikoto-san while my father is trying to calm both of them.

A decade of screams later...

Mikoto-san is done giving birth to sasuke and we were only allowed to see him before we were kick out of the room and a month later mikoto-san is finally able to leave.

I admit when sasuke was young I found him cute but grew to find him annoying as he is such an arrogant brat at the start of the naruto episode.

We are currently in Ita-nee's room where he is holding an awake sasuke but laid him down on his bed when I wanted to play with him.

I expect sasuke to cry when I played with him but he was more happy when I played with him more than ita-nee.

I was showering the baby sasuke -younger than me by 3 months- with kisses and he seems to have fun as he keeps giggling in his baby voice, I saw ita-nee from the corner of my eye smiling at us warmly but I think I hallucinated when I caught him narrow his eyes in sasuke's direction but quickly smiled as quick as he narrowed his eyes.

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