Dragon!Kirishima x Dragon!Reader

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A/n: I meant to publish this on the 16 in honor of Best Boy's birthday, but I'm slow as fuck.  Anyway, here it is.  This can be Male or Female reader.

3rd POV:

High above the forest, soared a magnificent beast.  A crimson dragon.  For centuries, dragons have been thought to be extinct.  Until the beast king was approached by a young black dragon at the age of 5.  Since then, the two have been inseparable.  When they reached the age of 16, they set out in search of any other dragons, but were unsuccessful.  However, they refused to give up. 

"We will check there next!" The beast king yelled, pointing to a large mountain a ways away.

The beast huffed in agreement and was about to fly faster.  Until he heard something from the forest below, grabbing his full attention.  His ruby eyes scanned the tops of the trees carefully, till they landed on a clearing.  As he inspected it, he spotted something that made him immediately dive down towards the forest, nearly dropping the rider on his back.

"Hey Kirishima!  I said the mountain!  What the fuck are you doing?!"

Kirishima ignored him, transforming into part of his human form and dropping the beast king into a tree, sending him into a furious rage.  He flew over and gently landed on one of the tree branches next to the clearing, making sure to stay hidden.  Kirishima's tail began to sway at the sight in front of him.

F/c wings, f/c tail, h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes.  Their voice enchanted him as they sang a melody to calm the injured animal in front of them.  As they tended to the creatures wounds, the dragon boy sat up in the tree, a giant smile on his face, along with a small blush.  The mysterious girl/boy had finished helping the animal and sent it on its way.  As they began to leave the clearing, Kirishima inched forward on the branch he was sitting on, causing it to snap.  He tumbled down to the forest floor and landed flat on his back.

"Oww...." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and opened his eyes.

His face turned bright red at the sight of sparkling e/c orbs staring directly at him, their owner only inches from his face as they hovered over him.  A big smile spread across their face.

"I knew I wasn't the only one left!" They yelled happily and cupped his cheeks.

Their tail swayed excitedly as they observed the boy beneath them.  Kirishima didn't move.  He only stared into their eyes as they rambled on.

"My name's y/n!  Y/n l/n!  But you can just call me y/n!  What's your name?!  Where are you from?!  Have you seen any other dragons?!  Do you want to be friends?  I like your hair!" They kept rambling on, not letting him get a word in.

"KIRISHIMA!!!" A deep voice boomed.

Startled, y/n took flight and landed in the tree above.  Both dragons turned their heads to the clearing to see the beast king seething with rage, his hair covered in leaves and cape torn from branches.  He turned his attention to the dragon on the forest floor and began storming over.

"You dumbass!  Do you know how long it took me to get out of that damn tree?!" He yelled, smoke beginning to come from his palms.

"B-Bakubro wait!" Kirishima stammered, frantically getting off his back.

The beast king began creating threatening explosions in his hands as he made his way towards Kirishima.  But before he could reach him, y/n jumped down from the tree, wrapping their arms and wings around him in a protective manner.  They glared at Bakugou.

"Don't touch my friend." They growled, tightening their grip.

Bakugou froze, staring at y/n, shocked.  Kirishima blushed a deep red as they started nuzzling his cheek.

"Wait... yo-you're a dragon!" The beast king stammered, taken aback.

"And you're an asshole- oop sorry I thought we were stating the obvious." They said sarcastically.

Bakugou growled as Kirishima chuckled.  They turned back to face the dragon boy, their sharp teeth in the form of a smile.

"I wanna come with you to wherever you're going!" They beamed, their tail crunching the dead leaves on the ground as it moved.

"Absolutely no-" Bakugou began before getting interrupted by Kirishima.

"I was just about to ask you to join us!  Looks like you beat me to the chase!" He smiled widely, taking their hands in his.

Y/n squealed and pressed their forehead against his.  They blushed and began purring happily.  Kirishima did the same.  As they started nuzzling each other, they heard a scoff from the king.

"Look we need to get fucking going.  You two can repopulate later, geez."

Blushing, they pulled apart.

"He's right we need to get going.  You ready?" He asked, standing up and offering his hand.

They took it and smiled, thinking of the adventure ahead.

"So ready."

A/n: And DONE!  It's shit, I know.  But I wanted to do something for his birthday. (Even though it's 2 days late :/ oh well)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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