break up?

7 0 0

Pov August

As i preperd to go to my match i look at the shield. All of them are acting a little weird. Why are they sk foccesed on eachother. And why are they so obssessed with me. I pland to go to dinner with them and just ask them.

when my theme song began to play i made my way to the ring. I did my thing.
As soon as aj her theme song began to play the nerves started to come.
If i win this match i will have so much responsebilatis. Can i handle that?

As soon as the bell rang i was ready to take that belt from aj. We locked up in a grip and i overpowerd her. I punshed her in her stomach what cosed her to fall in the mat. I waited to let het come to her feet. When she stand again i run towards her and kicked her in the face. I didnt wait for her to stand up and i tried to pin her. 1,2,3.

"And your new divas champion. August brooks" i heard thru the arena.

I was still surprised by the easy way of the match. I helped aj to her feet and gave her a hug before i took my belt from the ref.

I made my way backstage where the shield was waiting for me.

"Good job" seth said.

"Thank you" i say while i felt my cheaks warm up.

I made my way to the locker room when i felt like someone was fallowing me. I was right it was dean.

"What is it dean something wrong" i asked.

He nodded "can we talk"

I nodded while following him to a room.

"My and the othet boys are in love with you august and we dont know what to do. We want to know who you like" dean explaned.

I was a little caught of guard.

"Oww okay.... i dont know what to say dean. I mean i had some nice times with you guys but feelings i dont know" i say.

Dean nodded and made his way out of the room.

I went  to my looker room and dressed up and went home.

I was still thinking about what to do with the guys. I mean they are all so sweet. I did kissed with roman and i felt something for him but so did i had feelinhs for seth and dean. I dont want them to break the shield again because of me. I would never forgive myself that.

As i went to the kitchend to take something to drink the bell rang. I wasnt expecting anyone. I went to the door and opend it. I saw dean seth and roman standing in front of the door. I was surprised and let them enter my house. I went to the kitchen to take drinks for everybody.

"What is up guys why you guys came to me" i asked

"We have a fight over you" seth said.

"We all like you and we want to know how you feel" roman followed

"We want to clear up thinks before  we make bad disicions" dean said.

I looked at dean than at seth and finished at roman.

"Guys i really love to hang out with you guys but i dont know how to react to this. I really like all of you but i am not ganna chose now. I dont know you guys that long." I said

All three opend there mothes to say something. But i put my hand up for them to say nothing.

"Just dont give me preasure"  i finish

The three guys nod and made there way to the door.

"Hey guys lets go to a bar or something to calebrate my win" i say and the boys nodded at me as i made my way to the car. 

"witch bar are we going" roman asked 

"i know a nice one close to the Wendy's" seth said

we drove to the Wendy's and seth pointed the way to the bar. we jumped out of the car and enterd the bar. i looked around. 

"it doesn't really look like a normal bar" dean said 

i was just about to say the same. 

"it is a karaoke bar" seth said 

"i can't sing" i said. 

"we don't have to sing" roman said 

we made our way to one of the tables. we looked at the menu. the waiter came

"what can i give you" the ober asked me as he gave me a sweet smile 

"can i have a piñacolada please without alchol" i asked 

the waiter noded and the boys order the same as me. 

"boy's i have an idea, you guys want to know who i like right" i said 

the boy's nodded 

"well what if all three of you go out on multiple dates with me to get to know me beter, maybe after that one of you will change your minds and if not then i know who i like" i said

the boy's looked at me and to echaother. 

"that's a good idea" roman sais

the other boys nod. 

we drink our drinks and we sit and talk about WWE. when i look at me Phone i see it is already 12:30 at night. 

"Guy's i really have to go i have to train tomorrow" i say will i take my jacked and put it on.

"would you like to train together tomorrow morning like in a way of our first date" roman sais 

i nod "sure" 

i say all the three boys good bye and make my way to my car when i notice that the boy's came with me. i walk back inside. when i get closer to the table i hear them talk.

"she likes me for sure" roman sais 

"i don't think so didn't you saw how she looked at me" seth said 

"we kissed already"roman sais

i look at seth. i see that he is about to hit roman. i walk a little faster to the table. 

"hey boy's you came with me so let's go" i say before it was to late. seth and roman stand up and walk to the door. dean waited and his eyes told me he wanned to say something. 

"something wrong dean" i ask 

he nodded "roman and seth want to break up the shield"

"WHAT" i said a little to loud


hey everybody new chapter here. 

i need some ideas for the book. leave a comment and let me know 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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