the workout

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Pov august

I was on my way to the performance center for my workout with the shield.

I wear my workout clothes like always before i was in WWE.

I wear my workout clothes like always before i was in WWE

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I park my car and walk the center in. Nobody is there except Roman Dean and Seth. I walk their way.

"Hey I'm august brooks" i introduce  myself.

"Seth Rollins" answerd seth

"Dean Ambrose" said dean after him.

"Hey" said Roman and looks deep in to my eyes.

We start warming up with running and stretching. After that we do some push ups and sit ups. Then we start lifting weights. I see roman lifting 110 kg. I was so surprised. He is so strong. After lifting weights we start doing some front falls and back falls. I look at seth it looks so impresive how fast he gets back up to his feet. After that we do a condition training. I'm so impressed at how good dean is in this.

After all this we do a cool down and stretch.

"Thank you guys so much for this awsome workout" said I to the boys while i give them all a hug.

"Your welcome" said dean.

"With pleasure" answerd Seth

"Normaly after the workout we go and take so fast food would you like to go with us" asks roman.

I nod "yes sure, but what about my car".

"Ow you can leave it here I can bring you home after" answes roman.

I nod and take my bag and follow the guys.

We jump in the car of roman.

I sit next to seth in the back.

"So which restaurant do we wanna go" asks roman.

"Let august decide" said dean and seth at the same time.

"Umh I don't really care just go somewere" answer I.

"Okay wendy's here we come" said roman.

I laugh when I see the face of seth.

"How did you come in to WWE" asks dean.

"Ow funny story in high school I was wrestling and my coach give me up to a beter wrestling coach cause I was to good, he send me to WWE so I listened and just tried and now I'm in RAW". Answer I the question.

"Wow that's impresive" said seth

I laugh softly. "I just did what i could".

The guys starts to laugh.

"We are here" said roman.

We all get out of the car and walk the wendy's in.

"What do you want august" asks roman.

"I would like a baconator" answer I

"That's my favorite" said he.

"Mine too" laughed I.

When we have the food we walk to a table I sit next to dean and roman is on the other side of the table.

"When do you have your first fight on tv" asks seth

"Next week" answered I

"We can be your ring sides if you want" said roman

"Um yes that would be awsome" answered I almost screaming.

When we finished the food me and roman first brought dean and seth at home and after that he brought me.

I'm the car we had a conversation about wrestling.

"Would you like to do some in ring training tomorrow together" asks roman suddenly

"Yes sure" answered I.

I jump out the car and roman also.

"Thank you for bringing me home, but can you pick me up tomorrow cause my car is still at the center" asked I.

"Yes sure, well it was a nice day" said roman.

I nod.

"Well see you tomorrow"

I nod and walk to my door.

"Bye roman" said I before i walked in to my house and close the door.






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