I rose my perfectly trimmed and shaped eyebrow. Curse Tsubome and Ayame...

"Well, spit it out Sora-nii! I don't have the whole day just watching you fidget on the couch!" I urged as I stared at the older male in front of me.

Sorata sighed and tiredly ran a hand over his face. He made eye contact with me before sighing.

"Nijika, the Kijime family is a powerful and have the rare ability of being able to control some elements. While I can control wind and water, Nijika, you can control the whole element." I nodded at the information I already knew. Not the first time I've heard it.

The stressed looking male continued, "As a black list Hunter I've had many encounters with criminals, that includes the Genei Ryodan...."

My eyes narrowed at his comment. At the corner of my eye I noticed Silva-San also listening to the conversation in interest while Zeno-San drank tea.

"They're powerful, every single of them. And they go after whatever they want," Sorata leaned forward and placed his chin on his folded hand, "The first time I encountered them, they demanded for me to join their group."

My eyes widen in shock at the information, the Phantom Troupe wanted Sorata in their group?

"Of course I declined, how can they expect a Kijime to join a criminal group?" Sorata laughed unhumorously.

Kurapika did mention that the Kijime family had a strong feeling of justice and didn't harm people who didn't deserve it....

"They wanted my power, the ability to control wind and water... Nijika, you can't ever show your power in front of them. Unlike me, you have all the power, they will surely want you. And they definitely won't give up..."

My blood turn cold at the comment... Eh... They won't know I'm a Kiji-

"They'll immediately recognize you since you look too similar to me. The bright green eyes and shade of brown hair, the genetic trait we, the Kijime have."

My shoulder slumped... Damn it....

Though... I can...!

"I can fi-"

Sorata send me a stern look as he shook his head, "Don't even think about it. You wouldn't even stand a chance."

I pouted childishly and crossed my arms, "Then why the hell would they even want me, if it's like 'you' said I'm not strong enough right?"
"You'll eventually become strong, they'd train you, but if you didn't have enough potential Chrollo would probably try to steal your ability."

My head tilted to the side at the unfamiliar name. Chrollo... How weird...

"Anyways I can't let you go!" My eyes snap towards my brother's determined look.

I send back my own determined look and lean forward so our faces were barely inches away from each other.

"I. Don't. Care."

With that I made a gorgeous vase with flowers lift into the air and float on top of Sorata's head.

My clueless brother glared at me and opened his mouth to speak but at that moment, I made the vase tip and the cold water fell onto his head. As water dripped down my brother's hair that covered his eyes, it formed a floating ball of circle just few inches off the carpet.

Slapping a hand over my mouth to cover my giggles, I jumped up from my seat and run towards Silva-San.

"Silva-San, Zeno-san! I forgot to mention to you guys but Killua learned about nen! He knows the basic of the skills so far," I chirp as I ignore the angrily shaking form of my brother.