part 10 not you guys too

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bakugo POV
and there in the doorway, in the dark lighting stood a silhouette of a women mentioned before.
"nurse Fey..?" i thought i remembered her name correctly or at least i hoped.
"look kids. i don't have much to say but i want you both out of here. and i want you to go far. out of town at least." she looked our way but yet her eyes gazed right through us.
"why are you helping us ma'am?" ei asked sweetly.
"because i know kamanari's history quite well. and i think it's important the two of you leave." she smiled a bit at kirishima and helped us up.
only a few minutes passed for us to pack our stuff and get some medical things. i had a car even though i walk most places. the small clock on the little table by kiri's bed read 11:34 pm and it was beginning to rain. eventually our stuff was packed and we were checked out. i got the car started while kiri talked with nurse Fey for a little. i saw him give her a hug before she helped him into the car. i sped off quickly while kirishima cried a little and fell asleep. i drove with my left hand while my dominate hand was resting gently on my soulmates peaceful body. i drove through the night and eventually we ended up at a lookout point a few blocks from a mini mart. i reclined my chair and his and looked at him. i smiled.
"i love you so much eiji.." i whispered. a small smile fell to his face as he drifted back to sleep. i was glad to see his smile again. he smiled often but it hasn't felt real in a while. i know it's been hard for him to live for himself lately. everything he does, he does for someone else. but that little smile that he dared to show. it felt real. and as i drove further into the night the reality slowly set in that we'd likely be on the run for a while. and as much as i didn't want to i knew it'd be a long time until things felt normal. but i couldn't help but miss his smile sometimes. i drove another hour away from town and we ended up in a parking lot of a hardware store. i reclined our chairs slowly, careful not to wake him. we drifted soundly to sleep together right there in my car.
-morning- (kiri POV)
i woke up before katsuki. i only assumed he had driven far and long into the night partially because he looked exhausted but mostly because i didn't recognize the area. we were parked at some sort of hardware store. built into the side of the store though i noticed a sign saying they had coffee so i managed to get out of the car to go take a closer look. i moved slowly because my burns were still healing. as i allowed myself to leave the comfort of the warm vehicle, the cold air of the early morning bit at my burnt skin. i walked over to the coffee stand and knocked on a little window. and imagine my surprise when i saw jirou behind the counter. she looked shocked as well and quickly opened the window.
"a-ahh!! jirou?? what are you doing here?" i fumbled over my words a little. i didn't know where we were but i knew it was far from town.
"um.." she paused as if deciding what to say next. her train of thought stopped as she let out a sad sounding sigh.
"to be honest, i'm running away. i worked here as a summer job and now i'm here full time.." i couldn't tell her we were doing the same.
"but why?.." i questioned only hoping it wasn't for the same reason.
"it'd be better if you came inside. are you alone?" she asked me and then looked around and noticed kat's car.
"he's asleep." i answered the question that she hadn't even asked yet. she nodded in response. before she closed the window to let me inside, i said one last thing.
"but uh i think i know why you're leaving, jirou." she looked distantly into the fog filled horizon and without looking me in the eye she replied with,
"not you guys too.."
hey y'all i'm so sorry for not updating lately and for the shorter chapter. life has been a tad chaotic lately and it's been hard for me to post. i'll try to get another chapter out by wednesday at the latest !

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